ASHCLOUD signs with Xtreem Music

ASHCLOUD signs with Xtreem Music

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Swedish Death Metal newcomers ASHCLOUD, featuring Jonny Pettersson, vocalist in the legendary WOMBBATH, have just inked a deal with Xtreem Music for the release of their debut album sometime during spring 2015.

ASHCLOUD’s 1st album will be entitled “Abandon All Light” and it’s already recorded, which about to get the final touches in the mix and mastering. During that process, great artist Daniel Devilish will take care of the artwork for the album. “Abandon All Light” contains 8 songs of a heavy crusty Death Metal influenced by bands like CARNAGE, BOLT THROWER, VOMITORY, ENTOMBED, CONVULSE…

As soon as we got the album cover finished and the final mix & mastering of the album, we’ll reveal it along with a definite release date. In the meantime, check out ASHCLOUD’s official Facebook: and also listen to a rough-mix version of an album track here:

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