BLIND GUARDIAN – sixth album trailer

BLIND GUARDIAN – sixth album trailer

- in News, Video

Metal’s highly-esteemed storytellers BLIND GUARDIAN have just released the sixth new album trailer for their highly-anticipated tenth studio release, “Beyond The Red Mirror”, due out in Europe on January 30th, 2015, February 2nd in the UK and February 3rd, 2015 in North America.

In this new episode BLIND GUARDIAN discuss the difference between working in the rehearsal room, the studio and performing live on stage:

Commented guitarist Marcus Siepen: “After being in the studio we need to relearn, or rearrange everything for a live performance. We have to consider exactly which parts to play and how to share them. Is André also playing rhythm guitars or am I supposed to accompany him on lead guitars, stuff like that.”
Adds drummer Frederik Ehmke: “Live is always different from the studio. In the studio we can capture a perfect drum sound and it is all about tiny details. Live everything needs to fit together perfectly so that the overall sound of the band is good.”

If you missed the previous ones, check them out here:
Trailer #1 | Trailer #2 | Trailer #3 | Trailer #4 | Trailer #5



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