GRAVE “Out Of Respect For The Dead” review

GRAVE “Out Of Respect For The Dead” review

- in Reviews

grave [800] GRAVE “Out Of Respect For The Dead”
Century Media records
Grave. Grave? Yes, cult Swedish death metal band with the new album. Four days ago was released officially, so I’m far not all fans got it already. After 2012 “Endless Procession of Souls”, which got really good feedback, we have new full-length album, and really, I was pretty glad, when, just pressed play button for the first time – got walls of death metal, without any style changing etc, legends are lenegds, what to add. Album comes with nine tracks, and you’ll be raped from the very start of playing, because Grave still sounds pressing and massive. Filled with pretty reach songs structure – i.e. great tempo-changes, from slow to mid – to fast , with such tearing and catching guitars, withy mad (typical) drumming and unholy growls. Do you know what I like most of all here? Old-school Swedish Death Metal feelings!!! Really, the entire album sounds ala this is some 0ld record but with another sound; meant musicians are into old “rhythms of death” and that’s awesome as for me! Thus “Out Of Respect For The Dead” is a good gift for all the fans of old-good Swedish death metal and Grave itself. To be honest I had really big break with Grave listening, I do not know why, but I turned their LPs enoug rare during ’00s, but now, after I got some charge of deadly power, I got the point that I missed a lot, but, life is streaming and continues, so I’ll have a time to remember old days, hehe! And again – 2015 is most awesome year for last 15 years!!! Sooo many legends recorded really brilliant albums! Long live Swedish Death Metal, merciless, catching, unholy and full of extreme power! Prepare yourself for blasphemous energy, fast, sure, catching and fucking boozing!

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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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