Interview Hatred

Interview Hatred

- in Written interviews

Interview with Angel Trosomaranus, vocalist and guitarist of the Italian Thrash metal band, Hatred.


Cheers Angel, thank you for this interview. Around 2002 you decided to found a Thrash metal band, so here you are with Hatred.
Hi Carla! Yes, around that period, me and my brother (Manuele Marani from Marà Cave Studio) begun to play some Thrash metal songs and this is how Hatred was born. Then, after several line up changes we was ready to be a real band and to record our first demo.

You have debuted in 2012 with the release ”Burning Wrath”. Took 10 years to release the first album, why it so and what is this album about?
A brutal long time, I know. After the demo I had to leave cause the mandatory military service, and this was just the first delay. Then the not compete line-up (demo was recorded with a session on drums, Alessandro Vagnoni) and the tasks with Baphomet’s Blood I play in. But I never abandoned this project, with several live show all over the Italy and in Europe during that period and some releases. The album is all about wrath and anguish, two topics I adore to sing about.

There is an EP aswell from 2009, if I am not wrong.
Exactly, “Wind Of Annihilation”, released by Iron Bonehead. There was also our appearance in “Speed Kills Again” compilation, in 2007.

Will you release a new album soon?
The work is in progress with the modified line-up. Unfortunately, Bloodoildrinker had a motorbike accident few weeks after the release of “Burning Wrath”, with serious damages on a leg, so he moved from drums to bass and Bestial Hammer joined the band in 2013.

You’re also a member in Baphomet’s Blood, Necrovomiterror (vocalist and guitar player) is also a member in Hatred.
Necrovomiterror joined the band as drummer in 2006-7, then he moved on guitar during 2011. Also Bestial Hammer joined Baphomet’s Blood after few months in Hatred. This region is too little and our brains are too full of ideas.


Where people can see you live soon?
We’ll play some show during spring and early summer in Italy, then I hope to release something soon and to be called to play around Europe.

What opinion do you have about the metal scene from the country you come from, Italy?
Some good band, a nice underground movement, but scene is too saturated by envy, posers and assholes.

There is a band that seems is no longer active, Blasphemophagher that you collaborated with it in some ways.
They are very close friends of mine and they are from my area. Necrovomiterror played in too. Personally, I helped them with some graphic and some photo. A pity they had to stop the activity, they were fuckin awesome!

Is there anything else would you like to mention about Hatred?
We’re coming back, angriest than ever.

All the best to you and hope to see you again soon. It was my pleasure! Aswell do you have a message for the fans?
Thank you very much for this interview, Carla!  Hope to see all of the maniacs somewhere and have some drink with ya all. Cheers 666!

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