Review COFFIN LUST “Manifestation of Inner Darkness” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

Review COFFIN LUST “Manifestation of Inner Darkness” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

- in Reviews


COFFIN LUST “Manifestation of Inner Darkness”
Hells Headbangers records

Some time ago I mentioned some Australian legendary band. Hm… maybe in this way I in some way goaded what happened to me?!? I just got the band from this country. Well, only state is different, but as on Australian conditions it’s located nearby. COFFIN LUST comes from Victoria; I suppose that from the most populous city of this state (and second of whole continent and country in one) or nearby. But I’m not sure, so I’ll even don’t mention name of this city…

Band was formed in 2010, but as I see there plays at least one very experienced musician – Jarro Raphael (voc, guit, bass, and dr). The second one, Pete Walker (voc, guit) has a little shorter “career” on Metal stage behind himself. It doesn’t means that he’s some fuckin’ green horn! But in comparison with somebody who was beginning yet in ‘90’s… Anyway, “Manifestation…” is the first album in history of COFFIN LUST. In general it’s only second stuff they release anytime – the first one was demo from 2012 entitled “Beyond the Dark”. Well, it’s better to release rarely, but good stuffs than often and crappy ones, don’t you?!?

So you already know that this album in my opinion is good one. It contains 9 rather long song (the shortest one, “Mass Extinction”, is about 3. 43) of pure Death Metal! Here I agree in 100% with musicians’ describing of what they play. It’s Death Metal and only Death Metal! Well, if somebody will be really stubborn and rigorous or even niggling than maybe, but just maybe will find something. By the way, I can’t find anything like that. I hear from the first to the last note only Death Metal in its old good form – brutal and on the point as we use to say in Poland!

Riffs are mostly fast and broken. There’re of course some moments, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer, when Jarro and Pete let their fingers to take a rest. Sometimes these moments take almost whole, or at least the most of, song like in “Beyond Redemption”.

Anyway, there’s no place for some technical fireworks here. Of course if somebody listen carefully than it’s clear as hell that abilities of musicians are on high level. Drums play in rather spare and various in the same time way – sometimes (as on Death Metal) slowly, sometimes markedly faster. This various way of playing make songs more interesting and we’re absolutely surprised that the most of them has more than 5 or 6 minutes. Vocal is of course unity with music and this is classical growling in old Swedish way.

BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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