Review CROWBAR “The Serpent Only Lies”

Review CROWBAR “The Serpent Only Lies”

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CROWBAR “The Serpent Only Lies”
Steamhammer / SPV

In a new, 11-th album The Serpent Only Lies, Crowbar promised to go back to their roots. Vocalist, guitarist and mastermind Kirk Windstein tells: «I intentionally went back and listened to a lot of old Crowbar stuff, like the self-titled and Broken Glass albums, to get a feel for what my mindset was 20-plus years ago. I also went back and listened to the bands that influenced Crowbar in the beginning, like Trouble, Saint Vitus, Melvins, and the first Type O Negative record. So it was kinda me doing my homework».

Will Crowbar fulfill their promise? Let’s see: first of all one the founders, original bassist Todd “Sexy T” Strange is back. «Todd helped start the band, so having him back is important to me and, I think, the fans. It’s a great feeling to be standing onstage next to him. It’s a breath of fresh air for the band and makes us stronger», – says Kirk.

From the first seconds of opening track “Falling While Rising” the typical Crowbar can be heard: slow intro, low guitar sound and huge, heavy riffs. The tempo is rising in verse and going slower in chorus, like the classic sludge metal. Strictly speaking, tempo changing was always distinguish for Crowbar and made their music interesting. This changes will be attend in almost all the songs.

However, Crowbar has many things to surprise and please the listener: simple and heavy as hell “Plasmic And Pure” riff, «allegro» tempo in “I Am The Storm” and “The Enemy Beside You”, melody in “Surviving The Abyss” and self titled “The Serpent Only Lies” – every song has its own peculiarity. But there will be no mistake: this is Crowbar in all its best.

The sound have changed a little: it became heavier, which is only good for the band, especially on a background of predecessor Symmetry In Black. Great rhythm-section work, low and thicker guitar tone with mentioned huge riffs are causing involuntary aspiration for headbanging. And KIrk Windshein’s stays unchangeable: harsh and low.

Back to the question «did Crowbar really went back to the roots», the answer is «yes, definitely». The Serpent Only Lies is one more reminder, what is this band and why it became an icon of genre. Ten songs and 45 minutes of classic NOLA sludge metal hardly will leave someone disinterested. And it’s always nice when someone fulfills his promises.

The Serpent Only Lies will be released by  Steamhammer / SPV on October, 28.

(c) Droll (

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