Review: Eximperitus “Šahrartu” [Willowtip Records]

Review: Eximperitus “Šahrartu” [Willowtip Records]

- in Reviews
Score 75%
75 %
User Rating : 4.5 (2 votes)

In Sahrartu, Belarus’ Eximperitus offer comfort from the cold weather with warming riffs, red-hot drumming, and a reassuring blanket of melody.

Riffs that snarl slowly back up ethereal drone solos Jerry Cantrell would be proud of as the drumming goes from a babbling brook of technical percussion to a tidal wave of blast beats. The balance of brawn and beauty is impressive and the technical precision of each note gives the band away as a group who clearly love their craft.

The same heart and masculinity that has confidently oozed from every release since their debut in 2011 is here, accompanied with noticeable improvements in discipline and tone. From the slow grooves to the rabid vocals to the lush production, there is very little to complain about – some riffs might catch you feeling impatient for the next change in melody or tempo, and though the outros are nicely done they add very little to the mood or meaning of the album. The intro to the last real song, Inqirad, is maybe a tad overdone, and the last track of ambient winds and tubular plucks seems a bit out of place, but all that is easily forgiven once you loop the whole 38 minutes again and again.

Release date: January 29th, 2021

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