Review: NORUNDA “Irruption”

Review: NORUNDA “Irruption”

- in Reviews

NORUNDA “Irruption”
Suspiria records

Spans and Portuguese, as it happens mostly between neighbor counties and nations, traditionally and superstitiously don’t like each other. Yes, there’re some historical mutual pretenses and so on. But only existence of such bands like NORUNDA shows that at least in Metal world they don’t matter anymore! Well, as I know they never existed generally. There were and surely still are so closed-minded people even in our world, but I think that they always were peripheries and warped folklore.

NORUNDA is a young band which was born last year (or as I read somewhere – “in year 1 after Lemmy“). The founder is Spanish Rubén Cuerdo (guitar, vocals) who was joined by two Portuguese: Pedro Morales (bass) and Marcelo Aires (drums). Anyway, these guys are rather experienced musicians who played several music genres. Guys recorded together two singles and mentioned above album. It’s quite quick tempo, ah?!? Yes, and that’s why they plan to release their new album yet in this year, but before they’ll do it I’ll write few words about “Irruption”.

An album contains ten songs of Thrash Metal generally. When you take a look on a logo you surely have automatic association with GOJIRA’s one. But musically this association isn’t as clear and self-evident as in case of logo. Well, these influences even if they present here, are subtle. Surely I can hear other ones much more clearly. As I mentioned, guys play first of all Thrash Metal and definitely in old good style! Somehow I have strong connotations with bands in which played/play Dave Moustain – of course with old days of their existence. Especially that this one in which Dave played between 1982 and 1983 even if the word “Metal” in its name doesn’t play Metal anymore (as said some very well-known German musician from Essen and I can only agree with him). But it’s absolutely any fuckin’ copy of this cult, we can say, authorial Dave’s band! I just hear influences of this band here and that’s it. Besides them I hear also other ones which surely make this band in some way original.

So we have here sharp, but rather round riffs, some very interesting solos or other tricks – even if they sound familiar. I said that riffs are rather rounding, but it doesn’t mean that they’re not as aggressive as it should be in Thrash Metal. It’s just a little another sort of aggression. Marcelo drums in very energetic way and it’s as various as structure of songs (let for it. I’d like to hear more cymbals, but we got what we got. Bass playing is in norm. It doesn’t mean anything wrong! Just Pedro plays just like it should be played in such kind of music. Rubén’s vocal is of course clean and in some way reminds me mentioned above person with initials D. M.

Well, this is first of all for people who love Thrash Metal! There’s no doubt about it. And I’m sure that at least some displays, refrains… will stay in memory longer than length of “Irruption”. To tell you truth some just persecute me since I heard them first time.


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About the author

I'm just a Metalhead who's falling in love with Metal since at least 1987 and is active into the underground since 90's. Also I own (with myTHE BEST FRIEND EVER) a label - SEPULCROS PROD. Contact on FB - profile pic is the same as here.

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