Review: Sepulchral Whore “Everlasting Morbid Delights”

Review: Sepulchral Whore “Everlasting Morbid Delights”

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Sepulchral Whore “Everlasting Morbid Delights”

Here we have another young band where don’t play any greenhorns. SEPULCHRAL WHORE in some way is continuation of other band from Recife – BEAST CONJURATOR, which was formed in 2009. The fact is that some time both bands was existing simultaneously. Anyway, in 2015 two members of BEAST CONJURATOR (C Le Sorcier – Carlos Dias – drums and Nyarlathotep IV – Nicholas Radamés – guitar) decided to form new band in 2015. Very soon band joined Necropinal – Rodrigo ‘Carcass’ Feijó – bass and Sandro Augusto – vocals. But after not more than one year Rodrigo took it over from him. There was also some experiment with another guitarist in person of Apophis HK. – Flávio, but as I know he also left the band.

Well, I suppose that for everybody it’s as plain as day that “Everlasting Morbid Delights” is their debut. Guys call it EP, but me and my old-fashionable way of thinking would controvert. Why? Because we have here seven songs (actually intro and six ones) which take more than an half hour. So in my opinion it’s album, maybe demo. Anyhow, honestly I’m happy that it’s not what I connote with word “EP”. Don’t understand me wrongly! I love EPs, but mostly after listening to such stuff I feel some kind of disappointment because Eps’ from their nature are short stuffs and disappointment is about it. Here I can relish longer and I think that every real fan of Death Metal will do the same. I’m not saying that we have to do with something prostrating here. That’s even contrary! Music of Recifences is very classic and strongly based on old good paradigms. And there’s anything strange in that if we’ll look on list of their favorite bands.

So we listen to from time to time galloping, but always various as well drums. Carlos makes passages quite often, use quite a lot of cymbals (I’m sick, so I’d like to hear more of them) and in general it’s exactly how it should be. Bass follows drums’ line as well. But as we all know Rodrigo has also another duty in the band. This duty is about growling surely. Personally I have connotations with some Polish band, but it’s not this one which you’re probably thinking about at the moment. This one which I mean exists since second half of 80’s – this the best well-known Polish band exists since 1983. However, he use more, let’s call it, screaming growling. Riffs aren’t too broken, but surely brutal. Nicholas plays variable as well and there’s necrotic melody in that. Sometimes it’s more hearable – when we have “solos” and crying guitar.

In general, music is in middle tempo with speed-ups. This is more in old Scandinavian style, even if I recognize influences of Austrian or American ones. “Everlasting Morbid Delights” will enjoy first of all everyone who love old good Death Metal with roots deeply in 80’s and 90’s.

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About the author

I'm just a Metalhead who's falling in love with Metal since at least 1987 and is active into the underground since 90's. Also I own (with myTHE BEST FRIEND EVER) a label - SEPULCROS PROD. Contact on FB - profile pic is the same as here.

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