Review: SROGOŚĆ “Umbra Mortis / Nicość”

Review: SROGOŚĆ “Umbra Mortis / Nicość”

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SROGOŚĆ “Umbra Mortis / Nicość”
Via Nocturna

Firstly, I’m really glad to have a possibility to write some reviews in Antichrist Metalzine. I hope that the readers, will enjoy music which I propose to them. Thank you Alexandr, and I promise to do my best!

I start with Polish black metal project called Srogość (Eng. Severity), released recently, and I guarantee that the name describes the whole character of this compilation. First part of the compliation, Umbra Mortis, is an EP was recorded between 2015/2016, consisting of three really extreme in mood, which we know from the debut album. Crude, agressive and full of mystical nature sounds, the EP destroys all good feelings which we had  inside. For example, the opening  track, Apostles of Hate, found balance between extreme black metal and melody. I could listen to it again and again. Like the next song, Death of Mine, is just like best criminal books, which builds great suspens and worrisome mood. From delicate and soft sounds it transformates to uncompromising beast which bite stronger and deeper with each moment. Title track is a typical black metal tornado which satisfied everyone who is looking for some classical noise.

The second part, Nicość (Eng. Nothingness) is a demo recorded in 2013. the songs, recorded in Polish, talk about magic, philosophy and nature, which enchances the mood, scoring some points and emphasizing the individual character of this band. This material is more primitive, evil and possessed. From the opening: Wilcze kurhany, to the ending: Nicość rozścierwiona od padołów…, we are massacred with purest black metal in early norwegian style. None of songs  give us any moment to take a breath, and that’s the point of this part. Nice tribute to the source of genre.

To sum up this review, I recommend Umbra Mortis/Nicość to everyone who is looking for new sounds in typical black metal style. Both parts make really big and extreme monolith which is hard to demolish. Again, Polish black metal shows u how to make music with possessed soul.

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