Review: Vader “The Empire”

Review: Vader “The Empire”

- in Reviews

vader-the-empire-artworkVader “The Empire”
Nuclear Blast records

Vader truly does need a lot of introduction; one of the most important polish metal bands, one that helped to define a genre that we today call death metal, their demo Morbid Reich considered one of the bestselling metal demos in the history of the metal genre, selling over 10,000 copies. As well as of longest standing extreme metal, heavy touring bands out there. Hell, even metal heads that does not listen to Vader had surely seen them once.

In its long carrier every band has its ups and downs. Vader had minor ones, they never had released a bad album, alright maybe The Beast back in 2004 but after every lesser album they would roar back with the next killer offering cementing their place in the scene.

In not some long past, Vader had a similar situation with Necropolis and kicked back two years after with fantastic  Welcome to the Morbid Reich and very worthy follow-up Tibi et Igni in 2014. So history repeats itself again with their new album The Empire.

What is The Empire? Well, a lesser one.

The good news? It has some killer tracks. The bad news is it has only a few ones and they are very reminiscent of their older, better albums. Take the song No Gravity for example; the track sounds like it’s taken right of the EP The Art of War but with better soloing thanks to Spider.

In matter of fact, the whole album has a The Art of War vibe and maybe it would work much better as an EP. Guys remember when Vader did a shitload of EPs in between the albums? Damn, I miss those days…

Back on the album, the second part of the record sounds a bit better but still holds that feeling of a by-the-numbers album. With its duration barely over half an hour it kinda flies over your headphones and the album is over. With you remembering a few killer riffs and rhythms.

It’s not a bad album but for Vader standards it does not really deliver like the last two records. But if you are die-hard Vader fan, get the album, for others just listen to No Gravity, Genocidius and Send Me Back to Hell.

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