Sterbhaus new video

Sterbhaus new video

- in News, Video

Sterbhaus releases video in support of the brand new album!

On May the 29th Sterbhaus released the new album “New Level of Malevolence” thru Black Lodge Records and now the quartet from Stockholm unleash the video to the song “Crossed and Pissed and Devoured”. Just like the array of brilliant videos in their back catalogue the new video is original, spooky and hilarious – and is something one simply
MUST see!

Once again Sterbhaus worked together closely with filmmaker Martin Strandberg (who’ve also done past Shining videos as well as the brand new “Vilja & Dröm” recently released) to capture the eerie yet highly artistic atmosphere reminiscent of “The Sevent Seal” by Ingmar Bergman and some of the darker efforts of Tim Burton.

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