Bodyfarm interview

Bodyfarm interview

- in Written interviews

BF5black (Копировать) Hello Bodyfarm! Please give me brief band’ history.
We started in 2009. First there was only Quint and myself, but soon Bram (guitars) joined and Mathieu (bass). We are still here with 3 remaining original members.

You was formed back in 2009, have and EP and two full-length albums, BUT I have never heard your stuff, so, I have heard Bodyfarm for the first time during your set there on Carpathian Alliance festival, and I was really-really impressed! Tell me please, did you played there both old and new songs?
Thank you! We are always playing a set with songs that slay the most. We try to play both older and new songs, and so we did in Urkaine. It’s hard to put together a well balanced setlist, but luckily our songs are all pretty versatile.

So what did you felt when you got fans really impressed by your music? Did you expected such sick reaction?
No I never expected this response. Right after the first song we played people started chanting the band name. I didn’t know what was happening to me, haha. The Ukrainian crowd was the best we ever had because they were the most enthusiastic. They went wild, and so did we!

Did you came into Ukraine in the day of gig or earlier? Did you walked around the city (Lviv) at all? I think that was your very first visit to Ukraine?
We arrived at the hotel just a few minutes before midnight, before play-day. We didn’t had any chance to visit Lviv because lack of time, and the heat outside. We would have loved to do some sightseeing, but we chose to take a swim at the festival. This was indeed our first visit to Ukraine, and certainly not our last!

Weren’t you afraid fly to Ukraine? You know, some musicians just scared by war on the East of Ukraine, and they think war happens all over the Ukraine.
No. Absolutely not. We already knew were the war was happening, and we did not see any chance to get in danger. And we were right, haha! The bands who cancelled didn’t know what they missed out on. It was such a great honor to play in Lviv, Ukraine in front of these awesome metalheads.

What can you say about festival organization? I hope there weren’t any troubles etc? What about the sound?
No troubles at all! Everything was really laid-back and easy. No stress, just the way we like it. The food and backstage service was great. The stage-sound kicked ass too. These stage-technicians knew what they were doing, obviously. I heard that the sound in the crowd was very good as well.

Well, let’s return to your music. I have found pretty killer parts there in Bodyfarm music, first of all, those Swedish, American and European death metal roots, with kick ass old-school rhythm-section and sick vocals. What are your favorite bands, do you listen to some modern music?
We listen to some many music styles. Mainly metal of course, but also a lot of blues. My personal favorite bands are probably Carnivore, Type O Negative, Bolt Thrower, Dissection and some other classic metal bands. We try not to listen to much to our favorite bands, we try to get inspiration from other musical styles. For example: putting some hardcore vibes in death metal really works out!

Your main themes are war, hate and death, could you please try to describe a bit deeply? Hate – towards what/who? War – against who? Death – of what/who?
First there’s war. You read about it in the papers, you see grizzly stuff on the news. War and death go hand in hand. That makes me hate mankind; feeling misanthropic. War is always fed by religion. So I can’t write about magic and dragons and stuff. I write about what I see in daily life. I’m strongly anti- religious extremity. Keep your religion to yourself!

What the label you are currently with? Cyclone Empire or Metal Blade? How did you get Metal Blade attention?
Cyclone Empire has released our previous 2 albums in Europe, and will also release the 3rd album on November 6. Metal Blade released The Coming Scourge because they liked it, and Cyclone Empire gave the authorisation to release it in the United States and Canada.

What was your main aim while creating Bodyfarm? And what you would like to achieve with Bodyfarm in the future?
Our main aim for Bodyfarm is a cliché: play death metal and have fun, haha! And in having fun we are achieving every day, because making music and playing gigs is all about fun. Not money. We keep on doing this until the day we can’t have fun doing it anymore. We just want to play as much as we can and visit many countries.

bodyfarm-1And now tell me please about your plans for near future.
Release our new album BATTLE BREED on November 6th and promoting it as much as we can! This album contains an intro composed by Ardek (Carach Angren) and guest vocals by Martin van Drunen, who needs no further introduction. We will play Eindhoven Metal Meeting and November To Dismember (Bukarest) also.

That’s all for now. Thanks a lot for your time, for your great performance on Carpathian Alliance this year, and for death metal madness you do! \m/
Bodyfarm 2015 1

(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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