HUNTRESS “Static” review

HUNTRESS “Static” review

- in Reviews

hunt [800]HUNTRESS “Static”
Napalm Records

I’ll be clearly honest, I never heard about Huntress band, so I listened to this band for the first time. “Static” is the third album of this female-fronted heavy metal band from USA. I checked their previous albums (not by listening but by reviews etc), and I noticed they all had really low ratings, approx 30-40% from 100 possible, so, this make raise my interest in twice, hehe, to listen to Huntress stuff. And, after several listening I have got my own vision of this band. Huntress plays heavy metal, more to say – neither old-school nor shitty modern, just heavy metal with female vocals. Musically I see pretty skilled team, the music was made on high level, i.e. completely professionally, well played, with correct and even more – really catching means and memorable parts. The sound is good of course, first of all – US band, second – Napalm records, thus no poor sound at all. Some songs sounds like classical heavy metal (by rhythm-structure), for example, the one named “Four Blood Moons”, which rhythm-section reminds me some Judas Priest on the first seconds. Bass lines comes good pressing together with drumming. I like alot also all those tempo-changes, which sounds really good. Now for vocals, I have read some people do not like Jill Janus’s vocals… hm… I’m complete… NOT agree with them! I like alot her vocal parts in every song I heard. First of all – she have very freezing vocals, completely professionally stand and sounds enough cute, might it be clear vocals or some parts of semi-screams she did, so I’m sure all those critics were wrong. All in all – “Static” will be often guest in my stereo, because I must to check it again and again, because every time I listen to this album I found something I missed while previous listening. I’m dare to recommend this album to all those who like heavy sounds, there is professional, interesting and memorable heavy metal, reach for ideas and comes with awesome powerful voice. Raging, by times pressing, just like it must to be!
Most favorite tracks for me personally: “Sorrow” and “Mania”.


Band’s FB
Label’s FB
Huntress-Band-Photo-2 [800]
Jill-Huntress-4 [800]

(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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