Interview: Arbor Inversa

Interview: Arbor Inversa

- in Written interviews

Being from bands like The Unhallowed and Aruna Azura, both Max and Paul decided to set up a new band and named it Arbor Inversa. The death metallers from Russia have debuted with their new album Anticipatterns and for this have signed the deal with the Italian label, WormHoleDeath. Below is an interview I had with the two members about the band, their new album and other stuffs.

Greetings to both of you Paul and Max, how are things going? Arbor Inversa is your brand new band that you have formed together, both of you being ex-members of The Unhallowed, tell me more about it.
Max War-M
:  Hi Carla, the things are going fine, thank you! After recording the latest The Unhallowed’s “Chaingenesis” we concluded that the band’s activities have found a blind alley and perhaps we should focus on the other projects. For example, me, Paul, our bass-guitarist Anthony Crimson and our guitar player Michael B.Raw, having been the parts of The Unhallowed, participated in Aruna Azura and recorded an album “A Story Of A World’s Betrayal” which was released by Metal Scrap Records (Ukraine). After some creative disagreements that project was put on the drawer bottom as well. As I stayed face-to-face with my own thoughts, I decided to create a studio project, completely dependent on me only, with one author. That’s the way ARBOR INVERSA was born. Having written all the instrumental parts I felt that it’s time to add the main element – voice. So I got in touch with Paul and offered him to take part in project. And here we go, Anticipatterns is out!
Paul.G.Wicker: Quite comprehensive point of view. After the moment I heard the new Max’s stuff I was truly certain I gotta get inside, there was no need to persuade me.

You released your debut album called Anticipatterns, when did you start to write this album?
Max War-M
: I wrote all the music for an album in 2015. It took me only two days to compose 11 tracks from scratch without using any drafts and past sketches. Then I defered all the massive for some time to think it over and decide what kind of album I really wanted. Having left only viable parts after a short delay, I united them into one album and made a final record in my home studio Infernal Fields in 2016. In the summer the vox tracking was made and autumn added mixing and mastering. 2017 gave us a distribution deal with WormHole Death!
Paul.G.Wicker: I am the witness of a whole creation process on it’s own, as it was. There were no long discussions or argues, no tweaking and almost no creative torment J When Max sent me the stuff in February 2016, we both agreed that might be a good idea to have no deadline. Nobody tailored us, and who knows what kind of result we could get if got any terms. Writing lyrics took me about 2 or 3 months and when we both felt the preparations were complete, we just met in studio and recorded vox in two or three days maybe, can’t remember now.

Tell me more about the album, what’s its story behind?
Paul.G.Wicker: Well, I guess, that’s my specialty to answer such questions. Everything’s got a message, especially for the people of West. So this album’s got it’s own own story behind. Although all the lyrics are dedicated to the various anticipations through the eyes of a common man, there is one general idea. The daily unconscious behavioral patterns lead us all far from the true facts and natural perception. I’ve noticed (not me first) that every situation makes our reactions and deeds rather predictable and reminds the closing oyster’s behavior. That makes usage of a human material more convenient for those who need. And of course, thanx to Kevin Spacey for “Prot” J.

The cover is very interesting, who is the artist who made it and talking more about the album, what is the cover suggestion to the whole album?
Paul.G.Wicker: the cover was excellently painted by Alex, the leader of Mayhem Project Design, famous by it’s work with different bands. He’s got his own unrepeatable style and we know him from the brightest side for cooperation with Aruna Azura and Deva Obida, which got brilliant artworks made by him as well. The choice was obvious this time too. He really did what we wanted without any edits, as if he was a member of Arbor Inversa. And we’re grateful to him. Speaking about the meaning, I must say that all the figures, the mysterious silhouette and bloody red sun symbolize an anticipation of fundamental shifts in the world felt in the air. All the races, genders and intellection ways kneel before objective process ruled by the law of constantly accelerating time.

How would you describe your musical style?
Max War-M: I’d rather describe our style in two words: that’s just Death Metal. At least, that was what I wanted to record, in the way I feel it and get it!
Paul.G.Wicker: I’ll accept Max’s point of view, let’s call it Death Metal. Let’s forget about different artificial annoying additional tags. Ya know, I’ve met a bunch of them near our album’s title over the Web. And that’s funny, sometimes they’re opposite. But of course if someone wishes than may name our style as Anticlerical/ Antioccult/ Anticipative/ Modern/ Groove/ Technical/ Death/ Black Metal.

Do you have in mind to release a video or maybe a lyric video in the future?
Max War-M:  There are no exact plans to release a video in the nearest future. I can only say that’s pretty possible. The question is, if there’s a real need and purpose. As for me, that’s senseless if make video only in the name of video.
Paul.G.Wicker: I guess the things are simple: if we want it then we make it. Maybe in the future we’ll do some kind of video but only when we really decide that makes sense. Sure, there are specific promotional purposes although we’d rather make it later but better. As for me, I’m totally tired of tons of videos consisting of rehearsals mixed with an album sound, badly shot with no idea, just to show everyone: “Hey, look at us, we’re so angry and tough!”

As you are new on the metal scene, do you have touring plans? 
Max War-M: From the very beginning ARBOR INVERSA was ment as a studio project. Nevertheless, that’s possible we’ll make a band with a full lineup to make some shows. Me and Paul have already discussed such a variant but made no exact coclusions.
Paul.G.Wicker: Well, that’s rather difficult to have some tours and play alive when there are only two real members. Yeah, there were some discussions and as soon as we feel that live stage is urgent and necessary, I think we’ll solve a problem. There are a lot of musicians that might help us with our stuff. However, that’s not a problem for now. ARBOR INVERSA is playing it’s role of a studio project perfectly.

You Paul are active in another band called Aruna Azura, tell the readers more about this band.
Paul.G.Wicker: I and Max are in that band. That started as a studio project where Max, Michael B.Raw, Anthony Crimson (previously mentioned) and a perfect drummer Alex T.Age wished to play something brutal and furious. As we knew each other for years they suggested me to record some vox for their demo consisting of three tracks for that moment. They were surprised with a result on a whole and we together decided to continue under the cap of Aruna Azura and make metal in a way we just wished, so started to include different elements of adjacent jenres. In 2013 we recorded our album “A Story Of A World’s Betrayal” that consisted 7 songs dedicated to the wrong pathways of alien civilization that killed itself in flames of nuclear war or another horrible technological disaster. The most part of zines gave us good and excellent reviews and marks and called our style Technical Progressive Death Metal, we didn’t mind. We signed a deal with Metal Scrap Records (Ukraine) and planned to continue with the second album and make some live shows but some creative differences became a reason why we froze AA. There’s a ton of cool stuff left unused and I really hope we’ll unite again some day to continue. Who knows…

What can you tell me about The Unhallowed, is the band still active?
Max War-M: The Unhallowed is hibernated for uncertain terms. I guess there’ll come a day to record the 3rd album, at least we’ve got plenty of riffs, drafts and almost complete songs. But since me and Damien terminated our cooperation as The Unhallowed, there was no turning back to the question about band’s future. I’ve got a feeling that might be rather possible, I would love to at least! But certainly not like the way that was on Chaingenesis.
Paul.G.Wicker: I left a lot there, in The Unhallowed. Although there’s a small hope, I’ll simply say that it might be a great experience of self-knowledge to reboot and start again. We’ll see.

How is the current Russian metal scene? What other bands would you suggest to the readers from your area?
Max War-M: I usually don’t follow the current Russian metal scene and the others as well. As a matter fact, I think we’ve got no scene at all. Everything is too atomized and bands live on their own without frequent communication and the wish to belong to the one “scene”. Maybe that’s because of vastness of our immense land, and maybe that’s connected with our mindset or maybe I’m making a big mistake looking at the things in that way. What about our local scene, that was always famous by it’s black metal acts. Many know such names as Stielas Storhett, Old Wainds, Nav’, Mor. I’d also gave an advice to pay an attention to the death/black band Pentsign that’s already released two excellent albums! Those who love something more modern, are ought to pay their attention to Town Tundra, by the way, they recently signed a distribution deal with WormHole Death and gotta release their “Misantrophy Never Fails” soon! There’s one more interesting band Deva Obida, and Paul  is its frontman too. They call their style Nature Metal. Well, and our projects of course: The Unhallowed, Aruna Azura, Arbor Inversa!

The label, WormHoleDeath records is not new for you as they have released The Unhallowed album, how was it to work you both with WHD again and then Arbor Inversa to be in their rooster?
Max War-M: We’re happy to sign a deal with WormHoleDeath and grateful for the support that  the label gives us! WHD also released a perfect album by my old friend Damien T.G. Stielas Storhett – Drownwards! Our friends in Town Tundra are on their way! Currently it’s very hard quest to find a label, especially for beginners or new bands like ours. That’s why we’re really extremely thankful to WormHoleDeath and especially Carlo Bellotti for cooperation!
Paul.G.Wicker: We’re the lucky ones to become a part of WHD and it’s a great pleasure for me to cooperate with Carlo Belotti and Nat. The label is well-known with it’s great choice of bands to sign, and that’s a real compliment for us.

Is there anything else would you like to add to the readers regarding AI?
Max War-M: Listen to our LP, think over the sense and read between the lines. Peace to all – that’s the thing that soon may be missed.
Paul.G.Wicker: No loud or solemn slogans from us. Just listen and read. And remember about awareness. Love, peace and quantum leap at the End of God’s Permission.

Thank you both for the interview, hope soon we can meet up! Cheers!
Max War-M: Thank you for the questions! That was fun to answer them.
Paul.G.Wicker: Got your word. Thanx a lot for an interview. I’m pretty sure we will. Cheers!


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