Interview: PROLL GUNS

Interview: PROLL GUNS

- in Written interviews

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Hello guys! Please introduce yourself.
We are PROLL GUNS from Austria, three thrash cowboys and two saloon ladies who playing ROCK N`WESTERN ROLL!!!!

I have found Proll Guns was created by musicians who also participated in Outrage, Low Chi bands. But, I’m curious when you have started with Proll Guns, because I was unable to find the date in the internet.
We´ve started in the end of 2011!!

You music is some kind of Western Metal, with thrash metal and rock’n’roll tunes. Do you have some special description of your musical style?
ROCK N`WESTERN ROLL in Outlaw Texas style!

Why you have decided to play Western oriented metal? Of course, there are a lot of bands from all over the world, who worshiping to Western thematic, but what can you say about Proll Guns guys? What does Western theme means for you, just favorite from the childhood movies, books, or something more? Have you ever visited USA and Texas mainly?
Our first thought for our new band was PROLL GOD. We wanted to make proll music with proll attitude. Only the second thought was PROLL GUNS. We are no purely western band. We make Western `N Roll, with proll attitude. 33%Western, 33%PROLL & 33%MetalRock!! We love that dirty western image, Whiskey and Bourbon, guns and Texas Lifestyle. With our banjo sounds we bring that western feeling in to the set and our saloongirls transform any stage in a western saloon.

Well, “Horseflesh BBQ” is your second full-length album, was released by NRT records, unless first album, called “And the Western Blood Runs”, was released independently, i.e. without any label support. Why do you think your first album was self-released, you haven’t spent the time for label search or you were just unable to find proper one?
Our first album was a try for PROLL GUNS, only for us and the first fans. No label, no contracts no other judge. For our second album we went a piece further and published over NRT-Records from Germany. With Phil and NRT-Records we had great luck. NRT-Records loves PROLL GUNS and we love NRT-RECORDS. We´re hard working together in a good partnership. We make and produce music and Phil – the Label Boss – released and promoted. Everybody has his part.

Now, three months after last album release, how can you value NRT’s work? Do you feel they are right label for Proll Guns?
We are ready for the next album by NRT-RECORDS!!

Couple of common questions. The first one – what Proll Guns does mean? And why you have chose this title? Mainly – what does “proll” means? For me this word is similar to some Portugese word I can’t remember right now.
“PROLL” means the proletarian guys from the past, another word for working people. Or even funny dressed people with a denim jacket and yellow laces in the 80´s. Symply a daredevil with no deeper sense.

And the second one – Horseflesh BBQ, something like barbeque, where you drink rom and eating horse’s meat, hehe?
It´s a cool title for that album, because horse on a BBQ is a very delicacy. Not for everyone but unique!!

Ookay! Would be very interesting if you could describe us your songs, i.e. a bit deeply into the texts description. Tell us deeply about such songs like “Horseflesh Barbecue”, “From Texas to Hell”, “Fucking Troublemaker”, “Execution”.
“Horseflesh Barbecue”: A lonely rider in the desert who needs flesh! He would die for ribs now! Horseflesh BBQ is the only way out!
“From Texas to Hell”: Some hellhounds on the way……from texas to hell. No rules but much whores!!
“Fucking Troublemaker”: Some bandidos, heartless and full of monition. This city burns down this way tonight.
“Execution”: A hangman´s story who´s ready to kill!

Last year you have released an EP, called “Fucking Troublemaker”, which contains three songs from new album. What was the reason you have released that EP? Haven’t you planned to include these three songs onto album, or you just wanted to show what fans may expect from upcoming album?
This EP was just like a single from FUCKING TROUBLEMAKER, because we released a video with it at the same time. Only one song was to little for an EP, so we put two more songs on that EP. Here`s the video:

What about Miss Candy Rose and Miss Sherly Colt? How have you found them and are they always travelling with you to all gigs etc? Haha, they may have their own fans, who even do not care about your music.
Our saloongirls are more important that music ever can be!!

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Guys, who the hell playing banjo? Is it alive or just recorded?
The banjo was recorded by EVIL ED in the studio. At our live shows the banjo is coming from the loopstation, controled by our drummer CRA”Y”MAKER. It´s not 100% alive but its true and real!!

What about your personal favorite music styles? I have found Thrash metal, Rock’n’Roll and Southern metal in your music… Are these the only ones you are into, or maybe you also listening to some more brutal or lighter music?
We listen to much more music. Hard, heavy, Stoner and Black!!

What is the band you would like to share the stage with? Do you like Dezperadoz for example? How could you compare your music to Dezperadoz?
Dezperadoz is certainly a good band and we would play with them on stage, of course. We are more dirty and more death like them but a concert with that amigos will be great! A concert with Dezperadoz, Texas Hippie Coalition, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Proll Guns – wow, that´s the way it is!

What about gigs? I know you play gigs, but I do not know how often. Have you played somewhere abroad? Also maybe you have some plans to play overseas?
Sadly we don`t have any booking agency. But we had gigs in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Slowenia. A russian tour and a gig in hungary was offered to us last year, we had to cancel. This year in Summer we play some gigs in Germany and Austria. HARD SUMMER Festival in Falkenfels in September – we are ready!!!

Ok, here we came to the finish, that’s all I’d like to know right now, but I hope you’ll record some new album, so we’ll be able to continue our conversation, maybe altogether inside some good saloon, tons of beers and… and of course horse flesh!=) Feel free to say anything you want now! I wish you good luck, endless rivers of alcohol, tasty meat and another good album near future! Hug!
Thank you Alex, we hope we see ya after our next album which is in work!!
EXCLUSIVE only for the interview readers:
Buy our new album HORSEFLESH BBQ with t-shirt ( here for €13,- on !!! YEEEEE-HAAAW!!!!!

(c) Alex

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