Review: MOONSORROW “Jumalten Aika”

Review: MOONSORROW “Jumalten Aika”

- in Reviews

moonsorrowMOONSORROW “Jumalten Aika”
Century Media Records

Finnish masters Moonsorrow took a long five years pause, unbearable for a lot of fans, just to let them enjoy their album Varjoina kuljemme kuolleiden maassa. Fans tasted it as should and, starving for a new masterpiece, impatiently waiting for seventh studio album Jumalten Aika. Time’s up, Ragnarök is waiting.

In April, 1, the new band’s opus officially released. There are five songs inside, the thin air of pagan tunes, large runes of dark myths and black metal’s dark breath with musicians original sound. Lyrics translation will help to understand and enjoy the song more deeply. If you’re looking for fun, it’s definitely the wrong place.

It worth to mention that limited edition will include covers for “Soulless” (Grave) and “Non Serviam” (Rotting Christ). Great bonus.

The album opens by self named track. Habitual intro for Moonsorrow certainly suggests that listener will be covered with epic sound in a minute. It a real pleasure to hear heroic Viking’s motives with energetic blast-beats, melody and that special feeling when Scandinavian epic sound diverges through the veins. It can be felt by everyone, no matter who you were before you pushed “play”. The history of The Age of Gods told very authentically   and very convincingly by the best storytellers.

The next 15-minutes of “Ruttolehto incl. Päivättömän Päivän Kansa”‘s choirs aren’t misleading. Wild riffs which cause reflective headbanging, unchangeable melodic and powerful energy – black and killing metal that literally drives crazy. The only rest that listener get is when pure Scandinavian melody starts to play.
There are a lot more folk music influences present in “Jumalten Aika” than earlier”, comments Henri Sorvali (guitars, keyboards & vocals). That was always consistent for Moonsorrow, and it’ll be hard to garble at least one of The Age of Gods motives with something else. Stern Finns created really distinctive work, with a deep dive to a native folklore. The power of it can be felt in many modern pagan-metal bands, especiaaly with this musicians.

In a middle of an album there is “Suden Tunti”, with a video for it, that was shoot not a long time ago. “It’s the shortest song that we made in more than ten years“, says Ville Sorvali (duration 7:06). Mitja Harvilahti adds:  “Writing music without compromises is hard enough. Making a video that catches the same spirit without compromises and awkward moments that takes away the credibility is even harder.” Well, really original view on Fenrir, Odin and the beginning of the end.

“Mimisbrunn” charms with its acoustic guitar intro and sounds of river, just only to smash the listener with it riffs. Gothic trends are headlights the dark beauty if the song. Choirs, epic keyboards and acoustic moments are changing rapidly with blast-beats – Moonsorrow created this song with a huge inspiration. It is versatile work, and we can only envy for their creativity.

The last 16-minutes “Ihmisen Aika (Kumarrus Pimeyteen)” contrasts with previous by a flow of aggression and despair. And of course this song is full of unexpected turns. But it ends the opus very harmonically.

Actually, it’s not necessarily that this album will be “like a circling wolf biting the hardest when you would never expect it“, as Henri Sorvali said about it. Yet it full of surprises. Jumalten Aika whole itself can be reliable guide for that one fairytale Suomi where the soul rejoice the calm beauty. It can’t be said that this album is full of light, no. Of course not. But it’s some kind of darkness, your spirit become stronger passing through. Anyway, it worth listening. Ideal is to listen to it while the trip to one of their gigs , because nothing can replace live show. Then we can really appreciate the beauty of this dark music.


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I'm also working in Daily Metal magazine. I'm inspired by metal music and all this shit.

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