Review: IGORRR “Savage Sinusoid”

Review: IGORRR “Savage Sinusoid”

- in Reviews

IGORRR “Savage Sinusoid”
Metal Blade Records

01. Viande
02. ieuD
03. Houmous
04. Opus Brain
05. Problème d’émotion
06. Spaghetti Forever
07. Cheval
08. Apopathodiaphulatophobie
09. Va te foutre
10. Robert
11. Au Revoir

French Experimental metallers Igorrr released this album in June 16th. This album has some strange and crazy vibe, influenced by many genres, and it presents the music in a different way. Surely it will change the perspective of the listener about metal and music itself.

There are many genres that are combined here like dubstep, black metal, electronic music in general, opera, acoustic and atmospheric music and some folk traditional sound, adding to it some folk instruments so each song is different, but they all have this psychedelic dubstep sound that sounds different with metal. Also this is not even dubstep metal, which was created by nu-metal legends Korn, it’s actually a musical experiment.

One of the most interesting songs, in my opinion, and the craziest is the third one – ”Houmous” (beside the rest of the songs has that crazy vibe). The song begins with accordion, and then the trumpets came along after the accordion, weird on so many levels, with some crazy screams and opera vocals. It’s quite interesting and unusual; from the first listening it sounds very strange and weird, but after all the song it’s just so wicked and amazing.

There are some songs with pure black metal sound and vibe, with some electronic music, so it sounds like the devil himself is on some drugs. Many extreme metal fans are not going to like this release, because it is so opposite of metal itself, but once they will understand it, they will love it for sure.

There are some ballads with violins and acoustic music and with the mix of metal and electronic on the album, like ”Problème D’émotion”, ”Spaghetti Forever” and ”Au Revoir”. These songs are unique and different from the rest of the album, but that’s the point of these songs, to present both sides of the release, and they did a great job. Opera female vocals are amazing in these three songs and on the rest of the album: it’s so clean and fresh, and female vocalist singing with the voice, that has a hypnotic vibe to it.

Best song on the album is ”Apopathodiaphulatophobie” in my opinion: it has that magical mix of metal and electronic, it’s like some industrial metal, but it’s not, it’s more the electronic with metal, and the growl are perfect for the song. It gave the charm to this song.

Technical compliance is amazing: every tone and the sound can be heard clearly, acoustic is perfect, production is not out of this world.

Negative side of this release is that it has too much electronic influence in it. I mean, the other influences cannot be heard because of it isn’t even metal.

This band are some great virtuosos. The sound and the influences of many genres, that are presented on the album, and are combined with songs and the vocals in a perfect way. Experimental metal that is great on many levels, music that has soul to it, and it is the ”iron fist” of any music on the planet.

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About the author

I am Vlada Cincovic a journalist of Antichrist magazine. I write reviews and will make some interviews. My passion is writing. I want the followers of this metalzine too understand the true meaning of metal music trought my reviews, as well to enjoy to listen to my live interviews and reading them as well. Be metal, stay metal.

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