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In a new interview with Russia’s Rock Cor, Leaves’ Eyes guitarist Thorsten “Tosso” Bauer discussed the controversial departure of original vocalist Liv Kristine earlier this year. Following is an excerpt from the interview.

Tosso: “The contact with Liv has become very difficult. Since January 2016, Liv’s departure from the band has been in discussion. When Liv and Alex split up personally early January, Liv wanted to leave the band right away. But Alex convinced her to stay with the band and they both made a very good agreement with each other for their private life and business. So the band situation seemed to be solved at that point of time. But since February her new fiancee / therapist tried to interfere in a lot of band matters. He talked very bad about Leaves’ Eyes and that shows, tours and interviews  shouldn’t happen without him anymore. Her fiancee / therapist even told Liv to step aside from the band. In March things went far beyond after Liv moved to her engaged therapist and it became very clear to everybody in the band that we will go separated ways in the future. Liv also wanted to be involved in picking the new singer for Leaves’ Eyes. We told her that we want to decide ourselves who will be our new singer in the band. So there has nothing been happening behind anybody’s back.

Beginning of April we had a band meeting to talk about how things go on. In the meeting we decided together to go separate ways immediately. Liv told us she is not able to fulfill her touring commitments with the band anymore for personal reasons. Moreover, Liv’s lawyer wrote in a letter to Alex that a further cooperation including the live shows with the band is not possible for Liv anymore. So Liv was relieved not having to play any future shows with Leaves’ Eyes. As a result of the meeting, we also set up a press statement together with Liv, to inform the fans and media. To the surprise of everybody this first press statement we set up together was attacked soon after by several additional posts and statements from Liv. Suddenly other people and ‘trolls’ started to spread nasty rumors and lies on the internet. That was the reason for the confusion and anger in April. For myself I can clearly say, if anyone in the band would have treated Liv in the way, some trolls in the internet tell, I wouldn’t be part of this band anymore.

Also I can say that Alex is a single father at the moment and since Liv and Alex separated from each other their son lives at his place.”

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