Review: WinterMoonShade “WinterMoonShade” [Black Spark Records]

Review: WinterMoonShade “WinterMoonShade” [Black Spark Records]

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Score 70%
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Country of Portugal is well known for having metal bands that does not follow the norm in traditional metal, having in mind their most famous band Moonspell everything is pretty much clear.

Very similar thing can be said about WinterMoonShade.

Fans of bands like Blut Aus Nord will have a field day listening to this album.

The intro Into Quiet Places from their self-titled album which was released on Black Sparks Records clearly presents the whole chilly atmosphere of the upcoming blizzard of riffs and haunting vocals.

Despite being a 2020 release it gives a strong mid-nineties vibe with its cold production; guitar tone is high and sharp with keyboards not far behind, giving necessary levitation when needed. Vocals are very old school and frankly if I wasn’t any wiser I would think that’s Vindsval behind the mic.

Song structure is laid back and giving that freezing slow burn on the atmosphere with great hooks and catchy moments like in Low Tide Ghost. One the biggest pros I could give the album that every song easily transitions on the next one, giving feeling that the whole record works as unit.

The downside of it that some songs are somewhat similar in its song structure and still after a few complete album listens you are not quite sure are you the beginning or end of the album.

The other negative part is the production, although the vibe of the album is spot on, its muffled sound can cause some distraction, as well as the flat sound of the drums on tracks like Mother Nature Storm does not help either.

Despite that, there are great songs in here: Low Tide Ghost, Black Aura Night and Gathering Of Crows really stands above the rest.

WinterMoonShade’s self-titled album can be best seen as a shape of things to come in the bands future work; a better production and more versatile songwriting can go a long way for bands like this.

Release date: December 13th, 2020

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