Song premiere: Hooded Menace “Charnel Reflections”

Song premiere: Hooded Menace “Charnel Reflections”

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The blind dead are riding again: the first premiere of a new track taken from the forthcoming HOODED MENACE album, ‘Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed’ (out January 25th 2018 via Season Of Mist records).

HOODED MENACE guitarist comments:

“This is probably my favourite track on our new album. I am fond of how it glides from one mood to another with a smooth, determined flow to it. Everything about this song is catchy and you can even hum along to the guitar solo. We have always been all about memorable tunes with Hooded Menace, but I feel that we have fine-tuned our approach a bit on ‘Charnel Reflections’ – as well as on our entire new album.”

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