Interview Rimfrost

Interview Rimfrost

- in Written interviews

Interview with Throllv, drummer of the Swedish Black metal band, Rimfrost.


Thank you Throllv for your time answeringfor this interview. Rimfrost was born around 2002, tell a few more things about the band’s foundation.
Me and Hravn went to school together and we had a passion for heavy metal. Of course we wanted to start our own band so we did.

The third self-titled album came out this year, talk about it.
Well, what can I say, it’s awesome. We’ve been waiting a long long time to get this album done and released. We’ve tried to get the recording financed since our last release in 2009, without success. So it came to a point where we decided to finance it ourselves. Once it came together it turned out really great, and we are really proud of it. We make music that we want to listen to ourselves. There’s no band I listen to as much as Rimfrost. I think i’ts great.

What is this album about?
Lyrically every song has its own theme. But the album represents the hardest work we ever put out on a record, and it really paid off. I mean I haven’t been this satisfied with any of our previous albums. In terms of sales it hasn’t done as good as our previous works. But I guess that’s how it is these days. For every year, physical discs sells less and less.

There exist two other releases from 2006 and 2009 aswell.
Yes, we have three albums out.

What are the influences that you are focusing? Also what can you tell me about the lyrical themes?
We are inspired by a lot of heavy metal bands. As I mentioned before, Rimfrost is the best band I know of, and I don’t really listen to other black metal bands since I think we do it better than them. With a few exceptions of course, like Immortal, Dissection and Bathory. Sometimes I find myself listen to other black metal bands as well, but not that often. Hypocrisy is a favourite as well, even though that is not black metal. I get inspiration from a lot of stuff, like mystical things in the universe that can’t be explain. When I get myself into something like that it can easily come out a song from that. I’m working on one mystery now, turning it into a song. I can’t say anything about what, because then some other band might steal it haha.


Are you going to tour over Europe this year or any other places?
Yes, it will be a couple of dates in Europe. Holland and Sweden is planed so far.

How do you see Rimfrost’s activity from the begining until present?
On and off. Many years has passed in between our releases. It may have seemed like we haven’t been active, but the band never paused. We have just been struggling to get gigs and money to record. I like the idea of free music, and it’s really something weird to charge for. But the thing is that it’s expensive to run a band and to record albums, so without the sales we are not able to do as much as we want to.

As readers to know, what does ”rim” means in swedish as then you united this word with ”frost”.
Rimfrost is only one word. A Swedish word for frost, rime, white frost or hoarfrost. Rim by itself doesn’t mean anything.

Along these years, how do you see the fans of the band?
I don’t really know. I haven’t met many of them actually.

Would you like something to tell to the fans?
Those who are “fans” of Rimfrost are actually more than fans. They are real supporters. They are few though. Most of the people who like our music download it for free or whatever, but there are some few that really supports the band. Those supporters are the reason it comes out any records at all from us.

Thank you again, hope to see you soon aswell. Cheers!
Thank you!

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