REASONS BEHIND “The Alpha Memory” review

REASONS BEHIND “The Alpha Memory” review

- in Reviews, Video

REASONS BEHIND “The Alpha Memory

Maple Metal Records

Italy is a reach for various metal / rock bands, and of course when it comes to some kind of melodic metal or mostly power metal. Reasons Behind did not make step ahead or other way, so let’s see if they worth to be among other Italina bands. Musically here is symphonic stuff, based on heavy and power metal music. The whole album sounds beautiful, thanks good songs structure, proper guitar parts and catching atmosphere. Reach for various tempos and rhythms, guitar solos and etc. The sound could be a bit massive, from my point of view more massive sound would make Reasons Behind’s music more “Power”… And the most expensive diamond on this record is female vocals, this is true, Elisa is a young girl, but she have truly professional and just good vocals, which sounds both quiet and up to operatic one! Listening to this record several times I try to find some dysharmonies etc, but luckily I did not found them, so beautiful and strong vocals is worth for attention and respect. Next, guitar parts and the whole rhythm-section, of course, sometimes there are strong power metal influences, but sometimes it sounds like just metal, i.e. symphonic metal, more made into modern way, and sometimes it sounds like some epic or gothic metal, because of the atmosphere here and there. The album was released December 2014, and as I know, “The Alpha Memory” got enough positive critics, and as for me – it’s all right.

In conclusion I can just add – “The Alpha Memory” is highly recommended for those into melodic, symphonic metal with beautiful female vocals.


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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