Review: Pripjat/Hell:On “A Glimpse Beyond” [The Crawling Chaos Records]

Review: Pripjat/Hell:On “A Glimpse Beyond” [The Crawling Chaos Records]

- in Reviews

It often happens that I lose a sight of some really good or for some reason important releases, as always. Split album called A Glimpse Beyond from Germans Pripjat and Ukrainians Hell:On is one of those things. Albeit it was released something like three month ago, I don’t see any reason not to talk about it.

As I remember, Pripjat who also have Ukrainian roots and Hell:On cooperate already for a long time, so this split album was quite expected step. The album’s cover from Ralu emphasizes this collaboration greatly: some robot’s manipulator shaking human’s hand, full of scars and tribal tattoos.

The first four tracks and short instrumental “A Glimpse…” is classic Thrash Metal from Pripjat with fast riffs, screaming vocals and drums that periodically lashes out for blast beats. From time to time there are some Groove elements, but they are quite few. “Protect And Secure” is also worth to be mentioned: it quite smooth with some catchiness in chorus. But on the whole, as I said, Pripjat is an oldschool Thrash Metal straight from 80s.

Hell:On looks much better by all accounts against this background: their music is more diverse, more atmospheric and much heavier. “Spreading Chaos” from the first note immerse listener to the grim atmosphere of the dark mess or some ancient ritual and not let him go until the last note of “Satan”. Also the skillful use of such instruments like oud and vargan (jaw harp) make the atmosphere more densely, especially with brutal Death Metal guitar riffs and hurricane drums. Nevertheless, Hell:On can easily do it without such exotic instruments: hefty bass and whisper in “Ashes Of The Gods” mesmerize equally with jaw harp and throat sings in “B.S.B.”

It is worth noting that Hell:On record is a bit more qualitative that Pripjat. Though I think that both bands knew exactly what sound do they want on this record and Pripjat‘s oldschool sound will seems a little bit poor against deep and various sound from Hell:On.

The lack of the album for me is its heterogeneity. Well, four songs for each band aren’t enough at all; the rapid changes of atmosphere and mood aren’t a good thing either. But on the other hand it’s a split album with all lacks and profits, which inherent to such releases that are rare nowadays.

Anyway, A Glimpse Beyond is an interesting, solid work that will be perfect for the first acquaintance with both bands if you still not familiar with them.



A Glimpse Beyond was released on October, 4th via The Crawling Chaos Records.


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