Interview with Sebastian of Omnicidal

Interview with Sebastian of Omnicidal

- in Written interviews

Hello Sebastian! The title of your debut album, “The Omnicidalist,” implies a focus on destruction and annihilation. How does this theme manifest in your music and lyrics, and what message are you hoping to convey to your listeners?
The title suits the music and lyrics of the album just perfect with its dark and raw theme. The world as we know it is set to a slow decay; wars, increasing mental illnesses (or perhaps more enlightened today?), materialistic thinking, destruction of our nature, money…. etc. Someday it will collapse and perhaps ”The Omnicidalist” is the soundtrack to everything going to hell?

Can you tell us about any particular challenges or obstacles you faced while recording “The Omnicidalist,” and how you overcame them?
We didn´t really hit any obstacles during the recording actually, it went quite smoothly. We recorded the entire album ”live” in the studio. Meaning we played all together at the same time. Solos and vocals were added afterward. I do remember we saved ”Cemetery Scream” for the last day of recording because it is the fastest track and we wanted to ”get warm” before it. Our drummer Jansson and bass player Strandh had been partying quite heavily the evening before, and entered the studio in the morning to grab a coffee and sit down on the couch. ”Hey, up! We are about to record the last song!” Jodda screamed. ”Ohhh shit! I thought we were doing it this afternoon” said Jansson. Nope. He had to sit there and almost throw up on the drums. Haha! But what a track!

The band “quickly gathered momentum” with the singles “Let Me In” and “Dreadbringer.” How do these singles compare to the rest of the album, and what made you choose them as the lead singles?
”Let Me In” was our first ever written song and ”Dreadbringer” was the third I think. We felt we needed to get something out on the market and recorded them in Joddas studio ”Jordaniusounds” and got them out. You know, so people know we exist. They would have made it on the album otherwise, but we couldn´t wait.

You recorded the backing tracks live at Soundport, while the vocals and solos were recorded by the band themselves. How did this approach affect the overall sound and energy of the album, and what was your reasoning behind it?
Yes, I absolutely loved the ”live” experience in the recording process. It gives the music a groove and ”aliveness” you can´t catch if you record regularly. The drums first, then guitar 1 then 2, then bass etc. But it requires to be well rehearsed with each other to make it sound tight.

Omnicidal members come from diverse backgrounds, with previous experience in bands like Rimfrost, Egonaut/Lake of Tears, Sister Sin… How do these different influences come together to create the unique sound of Omnicidal, and how do you incorporate individual styles and preferences into the band’s collective vision?
It is mainly me and Jodda (Egonaut/Lake of Tears) who writes the music in the band, but Strandh and Jansson contribute a lot with arrangements. I would say a lot of rhythmic riffs are from me and Jodda creates these beautiful melodies and really dark riffs. He is by far one of the best guitarists I´ve played with. We all come together very well musicwise and I enjoy every moment of being able to play with these professionals, it makes me better as well!

“Narcissistic Abuse” is a particularly striking track on the album. Can you speak to the inspiration behind this song and what you hope listeners take away from it?
The music is angry and with a ”catchy” refrain. I wrote the song except for the verse riff and it is quite rhythmic in its pattern. The lyrics is actually taken from my personal experience with a person I dealt with in my former life.

Can you tell us about any particular experiences or moments that inspired the creation of specific songs on the album, such as “The Passenger” or “Infernum”?
”The Passenger” is the song me and Jodda created when we wanted something heavy to balance out the fast songs on the album. It is one of my favorites actually. ”Infernum” is about the passage to hell. I think the verse riff in that one is a killer, it is heavy metal orientated and rips. Very fun to sing over.

As a relatively new band, what are your long-term goals and aspirations for the future of Omnicidal, both musically and beyond?
We want to do this live, in front of headbanging death metal maniacs with their beers held high and the smell of sweat never leaving our instruments. Pure joy. And I really want to make our second album like right now.

The Omnicidalist artwork is quite distinctive, with a skull surrounded by flames and other ominous imagery. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind this artwork and how it ties into the themes of the album?
The artwork is made by the excellent and talented artist Néstor Avalos and portrays The Devourer Of Space And Time in form of Saturn. We think the character fits with the one and only ”omnicidalist”. Esthetics are very important. It gives you a taste of what kind of musical journey you are about to head into.

How does Omnicidal approach incorporating both the old, putrid Swedish chainsaw sound and the slightly more melodic sound of the Gothenburg area into their music?
In our minds it was the absolute best mix, so we did it. This is how I would have wanted to hear death metal when I was young.

How do you think Omnicidal’s sound and style compare to other death metal bands from Sweden, such as Entombed and At the Gates?
That is a hard one… They have done what they did. We are doing what we do now. I would say that At The Gates is more similar to Omnicidal actually with their amazing melodies.

How important is it for death metal band to maintain a balance between technical proficiency and raw, aggressive sound?
It is for the listener to decide. I personally turn the music off if it is too technical, I am searching for soul in the music. Our drummer loves technical on the other hand… so it is a personal preference.

Thank you for your time! Death metal forever!
Hey! Thank YOU for the awesome questions!!!

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