Interview One Way-Mirror (By Carla Morton)

Interview One Way-Mirror (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

I had an interview a few weeks ago with the two brothers, Franck and David Potvin about Phaze I, I had the occasion to talk with them again about another band they are into, One Way Mirror, also, Guillame Bideau, the frontman of One Way Mirror had time to answer for this interview aswell.
Hello again to you, how have you been?
David: Good and you? We’ve been working for 2 weeks on the next light show that we’ll use for gigs. It’s gonna be great!
Franck: Really good. Summer time for me means beers, barbecue and jam session. We never take any break, we play music all the time.

Tell me when did One Way Mirror was founded?
David: One-Way Mirror was actually founded around 2007 and 2008. We found the name of the band just after the mix of our debut album in 2008. We were working on this project since 2007, composing and recording some demos.
Franck : I remember that we started talking about this project in 2006 and then starting composing songs the year after. Our first album was released by Metal Blade in 2008 and we’ve been touring in Europe with Soilwork the same year.
Guillaume: Yeah it was quite stressful not having a name during the mixing, hehe.. And as we all have strong tempers in the band it hasn’t been an easy task to find a name everyone liked in the band but we managed last minute!

You have released this year the third album entitled ”Capture”. Tell me about it.
David: Yes, Capture was released February this year. We recorded it at the Dome Studio and we found the American label Pavement Entertainment to release it over the world. To me this album is one of our best. It’s powerful, catchy and sexy!
Franck : ‘Capture’ is so far my favourite album too. It’s a kind of ‘back to the roots’ as we had so much fun composing the songs. Our second album ‘Destructive By Nature’ was a test for us as we tried new sounds and some other stuffs, but for ‘Capture’ we decided to play what we only love. Everything went fast and well. With more than one year after the recording I can say that we did something good to me. We composed 1 song in 1 day and the result is something powerful and honest.
Guillaume: Yeah, very sexy! But yeah, with time we, the band members, really don’t get tired of it. It’s a really good sign.
eOL3dzQ Who mainly wrote the album?
David: usually, it’s Guillaume, Franck and me. Some songs have been written with Perdi and Clement though. Usually we plan sessions of 3 or 4 days and we try to compose 1 song by day.
Franck : We compose by duo. It’s mainly David and Guillaume or David and me.
Guillaume: Yeah, the idea of composing one song per day has been our way to roll since day one to try to guarantee the best spontaneousness in our music.

Did you receive good reviews about the album?
David: Yes, we received mainly good reviews. It’s very exciting to know that journalists love the album, but we really take care of the fans’ reactions and it’s very good too! We play music for the fans, and for us.
Franck : Yes! A lot of good reviews in the USA which is a good market for us as our label is from Chicago. It seems that ‘Capture’ can catch a certain attention by fans too. We received a lot of messages from Austalia and Canada too.

What are the band’s influences?
David: We like bands like Pantera, Faith No More, Metallica, Rammstein… Guillaume like also pop bands from the 80’s.
Franck : I guess we all like bands from the 80s and some other good Rock bands like Papa Roach, Faith No More…
Guillaume: It’s hard to answer because we listen to a big bunch of different stuffs. I wouldn’t be able to say what really influenced us on that last record. But for sure nothing in particular.

Are there any shows confirmed for this year?

David: We’re awaiting confirmations for tours. The next gig may be in the US though…
Franck : We have a lot of good plans to come, but to be honest it’s always complicated. We can’t lose money by touring on tour as we don’t have other jobs beside Music business. As David told you, we worked on a real light show to make gigs awesome. We really love playing live!

A message for the One Way Mirror fans?
David: Keep it hard, and do what you like!
Guillaume: And keep the sexiness to the highest level, hehehe..

Thank you all, it was my pleasure again. Cheers!

David: Thanks again!
Franck : thanks a lot for the support. Without you nothing is possible!
Guillaume: Thanx!

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