MORTALICUM “Eyes of the Demon” album details

MORTALICUM “Eyes of the Demon” album details

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KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAThe Swedish doom rockers MORTALICUM have their 4th album “Eyes of the Demon” released through Metal on Metal Records on November 20th. Their new full-length proves their quality and consistency in the style blending doom, early ’80s heavy metal and ’70s hard rock. Commented the label:
“They definitely have a knack for memorable melodies, groovy riffs and damn fine guitar solos, and they perform with natural ease and finesse. As always with MORTALICUM, the production is one of the brightest points – nice organic sound that is like a balm for the ears of those who are fed up with modern plastic production. For these guys it’s not the image but only the music that matters, and when you hear it, it’s very clear it’s coming straight from their hearts. They give a nod musically toward BLACK SABBATH, GRAND MAGUS, SPIRITUAL BEGGARS, RAINBOW, TROUBLE, DEEP PURPLE, THIN LIZZY, CANDLEMASS or SAMSON, but at the same time they have the ability to put their own identity to their songs.”

A promo clip for “Eyes of the Demon” album (featuring a fragment of “Iron Star”) can be viewed here:

while three full songs, “Eyes of the Demon”, “Room of No Light” and “Onward in Time”, have been made available for streaming from the Bandcamp player on the MORTALICUM page.

mortalicum2This is the “Eyes of the Demon” track list:
1. King of the Sun
2. Eyes of the Demon
3. Iron Star
4. Beneath the Oak
5. Mars
6. Lost Art of Living
7. The Dream Goes Ever On
8. Room of No Light
9. The Distant Brave
10. Onward in Time

The CD cover is adorned with a fragment of the “Lucifer” artwork by Francesco Scaramuzza, an Italian artist from the XIX century, known for his illustrations for Dante’s “Divine Comedy”. More details can be found on the page of this release.

MORTALICUM “Eyes of the Demon” CD is available for ordering, also in bundles with the previous two albums of the band, from Metal on Metal Records’ website, while the digital download (in lossless formats) from the Bandcamp page.

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