RIBSPREADER signs to Xtreem Music

RIBSPREADER signs to Xtreem Music

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Rogga Johansson is back on the Xtreem Music family!! First it was PAGANIZER, then PUTREVORE and now it’s one of his most respected bands RIBSPREADER!!

Besides mastermind Rogga on guitar & bass, the swedish-US trío is currently completed by two INFERNAEON members who also recently joined WOMBBATH: Taylor Nordberg (also in SCAB) on lead guitar and Jeramie Kling (also in THE ABSENCE) on drums. The new album, 6th on RIBSPREADER’s career, was recorded between Florida ant Smoke & Mirrors Productions and Sweden at Rogga’s own The Rotpit Studio.

Title of the album is “Suicide Gate (A Bridge to Death)” and contains 9 songs on the classic swedish Death Metal style that RIBSPREADER has been practising for over 13 years now. Any lover of good old ENTOMBED, CARNAGE, early EDGE OF SANITY, GRAVE… will love this new album which we can already say it’s perhaps the best one on their discography. Artwork is currently being drawn by que awesome Juanjo Castellano, so you can expect a killer cover accompanying this brutal album!!

Release for “Suicide Gate (A Bridge to Death)” will happen during spring 2016 and as soon as we have cover artwork and advance track, we’ll reveal it along with a definite release date for this album.


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