BEHEMOTH reveals details for new album, ‘I Loved You at Your Darkest’ / brand new video online

BEHEMOTH reveals details for new album, ‘I Loved You at Your Darkest’ / brand new video online

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“It doesn’t get more blasphemous than this,”

declares BEHEMOTH mastermind Nergal, about the band’s upcoming album, I Loved You At Your Darkest – due out October 5th via Nuclear Blast Records (Europe) / Metal Blade Records (North America). While it certainly seems an unlikely title for a black metal band, its origin might surprise fans even more than the words themselves.

“It’s a verse from the Bible,”

Nergal reveals.

“It’s actually a quote from Jesus Christ himself. For Behemoth to use it as the basis of our record, it’s sacrilege to the extreme.”

A crushing salvo of black metal majesty replete with hellish riffs, thundering drum cannonades and soaring liturgical choirs reminiscent of classic horror cinema, I Loved You At Your Darkest is the group’s most dynamic record yet: extreme and radical on one hand, but also more rock-oriented than any other BEHEMOTH release.

Produced by the band themselves, with drum co-production by Daniel Bergstrand(MESHUGGAHIN FLAMES), mixing by Matt Hyde (SLAYERCHILDREN OF BODOM) mastering by Tom Baker (NINE INCH NAILSMARILYN MANSON), and a 17-piece Polish orchestra arranged by Jan StoklosaI Loved You At Your Darkest can be pre-ordered digitally now at:

To pre-order the album in various physical formats (see below) – and to pre-order an exclusive ‘God = Dog’ 7″ picture disc – please visit:

I Loved You at Your Darkest tracklisting
01. Solve
02. Wolves ov Siberia
03. God = Dog
04. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
05. Bartzabel
06. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough…
07. Angelvs XIII
08. Sabbath Mater
09. Havohej Pantocrator
10. Rom 5:8
11. We Are the Next 1000 Years
12. Coagvla

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