Review: DEATHLESS LEGACY “The Gathering”

Review: DEATHLESS LEGACY “The Gathering”

- in Reviews


Scarlet Records

There is no fear than “horror” genre will disappear because of too many fans. No wonder, people like to be scared. Though for draw a sigh: “it’s not real”. Well, if there is demand, there must be a proposal. Including music.

Horror-punks Misfits of horror-metal founders Alice Cooper or even Death SS, all of them are birds of a feather. Some occultist flirt, like King Diamond or Ghost also close. Main issue is a wish to scare or to show the human vices, which are so carefully hidden by man from immemorial times until today. Hence, the musical passages, interesting scenic views, and so on, for which this band are so liked.

Now one more band can be added to this list: Deathless Legacy.

Relatively young Italian formation started in 2006 as a cover band on the mentioned Death SS (also with a conformable name Deathless), but with time they wrote their own material. In 2014 album Rise From The Grave was recorded and the band did not lose time in vain: made a great shows and won the Italian Wacken Metal Battle, which means they will guarantee appear in August, 30 on the stage at one of the oldest and most respected metal festivals.

At the beginning of 2016 Deathless Legacy released its new creature: The Gathering.

The album starts with the same intro “The Gathering”, made in a suitable manner of music from horror movies. Young choir and keyboards forces stress and is fed smoothly listening to the first song – “Circus Of The Freaks”. Interesting guitar riff, keyboard line and vocals are very catchy. Also it cannot be said that the singer sings at 100%. Rather, it leads the melodic narrative. Well, keyboards solo is rock’n’rolly, in style of the master Jerry Lee Lewis, emphasize that this is not a serious horror, but namely entertainment. Listeners in this “Cirque Du Freak” – not in the arena, but in the auditorium. Or, rather, in the “room of fear”.
However, the most rock ‘n’ roll keyboards, and indeed the most rock ‘n’ roll song is the last “Skeleton Swing”. There is a rock ‘n’ roll and fun enough for a long time. However, not only this can be heard in an album.

“Phantom Manor” is typically gothic-metal song. Middle tempo with strongly marked bass line in verse and all gothic-metal stuff. With one interesting difference: vocals. Steva La Cinghiala plays with her voice perfectly. It needs to say, that vocals in The Gathering presented very interesting. It’s not “cold academic” vocals; probably there wasn’t such a goal. But it sounds very confidently, and the point is not the range of five octaves, but rich tone.

“Baal” with its typical metal guitar riff and same-genre solo, but played on keyboards. Which are not only supports, but often solo-played and pushes out guitars and rhythm-section. Also rhythm-section surprise with some drums cardan in “Tiamat” chorus, despite its calm (for horror-metal) intro.

Generally, the album sounds very diversely, despite the limited style scope. But there is one big lack: the record sounds so limitedly without bands live horror show. Look at them at YouTube and you will definitely understand what I mean. Also, the band themselves emphasize their theatricality, which is must for this kind of music.

The Gathering will be released in February, 26 by Scarlet Records.dele2

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