Diagnosis “Heilen Damonisch” stream

Diagnosis “Heilen Damonisch” stream

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Diagnosis is a band of Death Metal, located in Mexico. It was founded in June 2014 by Isabel Romero (lyrics / vocals) and Erubey di Bello (guitar / Multi – instrumental). During the months of July and August of that year, the composition of their first album, titled “Sympathy for Disease” starts. Later, between the months of September 2014 and January 2015, they recorded the LP in the “db Metal Recording Studio” studio based in Mexico City. In early 2015, Arturo Aguilar (bass) and Nicolas Ever (guitar) were added, subsequently with the addition of “Chaak” Rodriguez integration of the band ends. With this line up, Diagnosis performs a series of live performances to promote their material in several important forums of Mexico during 2015.
In February this year, released the first single titled “Diagnosis” (self-titled band), as an advance for the release of the full album in March 2015 which is not released until July of the same year in the most important digital platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Amazon mp3 and Google Play (among others). And it is not until October of the same year, when the band launches it work physically.
Thanks to the positive response of the people; the album “Sympathy for disease” is nominated as album of the year by Headbangers Latin America and positioned in the Rank 70 into the top 250 bands highlighted by the same organization.
The musical concept of Diagnosis aims to consolidate elements of Death Metal of the eighties and nineties, incorporating modern and classic elements of composition, based mainly on modern harmony, Multimodal mergers and polytonal progressions, aligned with current forms of different genres, ranging from jazz, blues and progressive rock, until ending this way in the Metal Music Style. For its part, the letters of the first material of the band are focused on mental pathologies, testimonials from patients with psychiatric problems and mysteries involving the human mind.
Despite Diagnosis is a new band on the Mexican scene, counts among its members with people of wide experience and background in the Mexican metal, as well as members who are gradually building their career. Being so, the potential found in young talents like Arturo and Ever, was timely to add powerful accents the material already made previously, without forgetting in the other hand the powerful performance of “Chaak” on drums / percussion adds a powerful sound of Diagnosis Live gigging.
Among the influences of Diagnosis, are emblematic bands like Death, Bolt Thrower, Carcass, Disincarnate, Benediction, Grave and Maceration

Isabel Romero – Lyrics/Growl vocal
Erubey di Bello – Guitars/Music production
Ever Nicolás – Guitar
Arturo Aguilar – Bass guitar
“Chaak” Rodiguez – Drums / Percussions



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