Drudkh “Fiery Serpent” song premiere

Drudkh “Fiery Serpent” song premiere

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First track premiere of the new DRUDKH / HADES ALMIGHTY split “Wistful”, which will be released on 13th of May by Season Of Mist records.


DRUDKH have chosen to release their latest creative outburst in a string of split-EPs. For their first cooperation the Ukrainian underground black metal veterans have joined forces with legendary Norwegians HADES ALMIGHTY.

Mastermind Roman Sayenko has drawn lyrical inspiration for the two tracks from the poetry of Ukrainian writer Volodymyr Svidzins’kyi (1885-1941), who was murdered by the Soviets after years of censorship and repression.

Musically the two tracks “Golden Horse” and “Fiery Serpent” rank among the finest of DRUDKH’s works combining raw harshness, epic melodies and excellent songwriting skills into black metal masterpieces.

With the latest full-length ‘A Furrow Cut Short’, DRUDKH had continued on the dark and bleak course charted with their previous release ‘Eternal Turn of the Wheel’ (2012). In an ever evolving metamorphosis, DRUDKH have regularly returned to their early legacy from the Nordic Black Metal inspired debut ‘Forgotten Legends'(2003) as well as the cinematic soundscapes of ‘Autumn Aurora’ (2004) and the traditional influences of ‘The Swan Road’ (2005). On ‘Blood in Our Wells’ (2006) progressive elements surfaced, while after the instrumental and partly acoustic ‘Songs of Grief and Solitude’ (2006) a sharp contrast was created by the harshly black ‘Estrangement’ (2007). ‘Microcosmos’ (2009) seemed to tie up the different strands of DRUDKH’s previous releases, before embarking on a quest to more outlying progressive realms with ‘Handful of Stars’ (2010), which led Roman Sayenko to found OLD SILVER KEY, joined by ALCEST vocalist Neige. The band’s mastermind has often penned his own lyrics, but also continuously rediscovered forgotten poets of his home country. DRUDKH still refuse any kind of interview or promotion and demand to be understood through their music alone.

1. DRUDKH – Golden Horse
2. DRUDKH – Fiery Serpent
3. HADES ALMIGHTY – Pyre Era, Black!
4. HADES ALMIGHTY – Funeral Storm
Line-up DRUDKH

Roman Sayenko: guitars
Thurios: guitar, vocals
Krechet: bass
Vlad: drums, keyboards

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