EMBALMER “Emanations From the Crypt” review (by Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD))

EMBALMER “Emanations From the Crypt” review (by Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD))

- in Reviews


EMBALMER “Emanations From the Crypt”
Hells Headbangers records

That’s about time for Death Metal, don’t you?!? Well, even if you don’t you can do anything coz it’ll be as I said and there’ll be a little Death Metal now! Hehheheheheeh… EMBALMER comes from Cleveland in Ohio, USA. Band was found in 1989 under the name CORPSE GRINDER. After one year name was changed to today’s.

Fortunes of EMBALMER weren’t easy – band spited up and came back several times. Anyway, as I see (also on pic) there’s still only one musician who remember beginnings of the band and it’s a drummer Roy Stewart. The first release saw light of the day in 1991 and it was demo “Into the oven”. Very complicated and unlucky history of the band shows even the fact that “Emanations…” is their second full-length.

Album released in all physical formats which we can imagine: CD, LP and tape contains 13 songs of brutal and uncompromising Death Metal. But by term “brutality” we shouldn’t understand as fast as possible and quite often rather mindless using of instruments. In other words brutality here comes more from general character of the music. There’re of course fast and even very fast tempos where we can have doubts if human being is really able to play so fast. But mostly tempos are rather middle, sometimes lower and “Emanations from the crypt” is even more like Doom Metal then Death. Anyway, it changes quite often. Musicians exactly know how to use their instruments what for that’s created and what makes music very interesting what doesn’t mean that very easy to listen to (if somebody listen to it really carefully – I know personally people for who it’d be impossible to “digest” this music). Riffs are a little or even a little more sometimes “broken”, of course we have some solos or tin whistles when it’s necessary. Vocal is of course growling, but during listening to this album and even some songs we can hear whole spectrum of this kind of bringing out the voice. These different ways of growling are strongly connected with music and always complementary! If you still don’t know what you can expect here than I can only say that I hear fascination of Dutch old school of Death Metal. There’s also some American band on “S” which plays similar.

Now some words about cover art. For me this is very important to choose right artwork. It can tell a lot about what we can find inside (it doesn’t matter if it’s CD, LP or tape) and in this case choice is just a perfect one!!! At least I felt when I saw this that I’ll listen to something brutal, blasphemous, but also in some kind something a little twisted. As you know after reading of this review “twisted” absolutely doesn’t mean “fanciful”. Even more! That’s a compliment for musicians and their creativity!!!



(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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