Enslaved “In Times” review

Enslaved “In Times” review

- in Reviews

Enslaved - In Times Enslaved “In Times”
Nuclear Blast Records

Yeah, this album was released a long time ago, but I was unable to write about this earlier because of several reasons, one of them – I listened to it alot, from time to time, again and again… Enslaved was always something great for me, I like all their albums from the very start of their activity, and no one has something “wrong” as for me. I was enjoyed by each song and each tune on “In Times”! The music is really deeply great, enough melodic, enough atmospheric and enough “brutal”. As for atmosphere – there is truly great one, comes together with catching rhythms and various types of vocals, from clear ones up to typical black metal screams. Together with viking black metal tunes we can freely hear such light and progressive tones here and there, changing acoustic guitars with such massive walls of sounds, both guitar and drumming… Enslaved was (and will be) always like a diamond into Viking black metal, playing just awesome music, full of Norse atmospere and catching rhythms. “In Times” is a next masterpiece album which must be in everyone’ collection, might it be CD or Vinyl. The music which will relax you, and then will just blow your ears and mind, during the entire playing time. Just six songs on around 54 minutes which you’ll remember for a long time! Hail to Enslaved!


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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