Gig Report: MAYHEM At Quantic Club, Bucharest- September 3

Gig Report: MAYHEM At Quantic Club, Bucharest- September 3

- in Reviews

Mayhem, or The True Mayhem needs no introduction. On September 3, we celebrated Mayhem’s 40th anniversary, with an incredible concert, which I am glad I managed to see… First of all, I had never seen so many people at Quantic Club before, coming to see a band, mixed ages, from young, to old, everybody came to see the legendary Norwegian black metal band. And yes, it was sold out!

I don’t want to blabber too much, therefore, I will go straight forward; Mayhem hit the stage with a 30-minute delay, from what I understood, it was a power cut before I arrived at the venue which caused this delay, anyway, when the doors finally opened and the concert started, I managed to find a spot in the first row, and way to go. After the intro, which made the crowd explode, Mayhem started powerfully with ”Malum”, ”Bad Blood’, ”Milab”, followed by ”Psywar”, ”Illuminate Ellimintae”, and continuing with my favorite songs from Chimera and Grand Declaration Of War, what a pleasure to hear your favorite songs.

To mention the projections and the effects in the background between the small breaks and the songs, which were mind-blowing, finally, we could all hear the iconic song starting ”Freezing Moon”, which the crowd immediately acknowledged and went crazy, that song, still makes sensation and remains in history one of the best black metal songs, and anthem we can call it as well. Continuing in forces with the classics, ”Life Eternal”, ”Buried By Time and Dust”, ”De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas”, and ”Funeral Fog”, and afterward, there was a moment of silence.

Shortly after, Deathcrush’s intro song, ”Silvester Anfang” echoed, followed by bassist Necrobutcher who asked the crowd if they were ready for tonight’s surprise guests: former Mayhem members, Kjetil Esten Haraldsson Manheim (drums), and ”Messiah” Eirik Skyseth Norheim (vocals), joined the stage to perform Mayhem’s iconic EP Deathcrush entirely, well, that’s a celebration I’d say.

The concert was for many, ”the nostalgia back in the days”, for me it was an amazing band, which did an amazing show, with classic songs, rare footage projected, and special guests, moreover, Hellhammer, Attila, and Necrobutcher are still in shape delivering an amazing performance, along with guitarists, Teloch and Ghul. It was indeed, a journey through Mayhem’s influential existence.

Even after 40 years, Mayhem is still considered the pioneer of black metal, and they are still crushing the stage!

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