Gig report: Of Mice & Men, Motionless In White, Chelsea Grin & The Devil Wears Prada live in Wörgl – 20/06/2017

Gig report: Of Mice & Men, Motionless In White, Chelsea Grin & The Devil Wears Prada live in Wörgl – 20/06/2017

- in Reviews

Pics by: Tina Burgstaller
Text by: Sebastian

It’s been a long time since there was such a line-up playing at the Komma in Wörgl, and what a pleasure it was to have such an exclusive tour stopping by.
Four interesting and modern Core-bands of this time performing at their best right here in our hometown. Perfect.

Here we go with our first but definitely not worst act of tonight and it couldn’t have been a better start for the shows then with THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA. Straight modern Metal-core with both heavy-growls and high clean vocals in high-level harmony mixed with razor sharp riffing and a drumming that just keeps you in constant motion.
They ignited quite a party right from the beginning and kepp it alive throughout the whole set, which, after all, is still impressive for a opener.

Second band of the night and my personal favorite was also the one with the most remarkable wardrobe. A mix of a gothic-like ROB-ZOMBIE-MUDERDOLLS-DOPE kinda style with a groovy ongoing heavy-marching sound did just right for the entire audience and was the perfect highlight in the middle of the show.
Another great thing about this performance was the perfectly arranged and atmospheric lightshow. Everything just fused into a big picture to underline this unique and catchy musical work.
This Show could have gone on for forever and we be still happy and curious for more.

Probably the heaviest part of the night but also the most linear was CHELSEA GRIN with their forward and strong Core-sound. Maybe it was just me, but I didn’t think that this was the best choice for the tour. Somehow CHELSEA GRIN had their own audience in the venue and once they played most of these guys disappeared suddenly. None the less, they did hell of a show and had a lot of fun playing. There is a chance that, if they played with other bands in their Genre, the outcome of new fans would have been lots more, but still there was no doubt, that this was a great performance by a very great band.

Tonight’s Headliner came with a surrogating-vocalist along, but still showed everyone why they are headlining this. There was nearly no sight of any stage-built besides the common stuff every band has with them, so OF MICE AND MEN totally counted on their performance and this was the right choice. No unnecessary things on stage, just a bunch of musicians having a great time on stage.
I mean- what else can you ask for?
The moment they went on stage, they let their songs speak for themselves and it worked just perfectly. Every song in the playlist was a hit and the audience sang along nearly throughout the whole performance. It was a real pleasure to see so much heart within this play through and they gave everything for the concert-visitors.
The growls and the clean parts were sung so perfectly, that I assume most people didn’t even realize that this was someone else. Applause for another great act playing here at “our home” for us. Awesome!

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