HEAVING EARTH’s “Denouncing the Holy Throne” out today

HEAVING EARTH’s “Denouncing the Holy Throne” out today

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Denouncing the Holy Throne, the newest burnt offering from Czech Death Metallers HEAVING EARTH is out now on Lavadome Productions.

The album, which offers a venom-soaked blend of technically-sound riffing, guttural vocals and an unapologetic adherence to Death Metal’s blasphemous roots.

On Denouncing the Holy Throne, HEAVING EARTH launches a new reign of terror, moving beyond the charred remains of the celestial kingdom devastated by 2010 debut Diabolic Prophecies.  Denouncing the Holy Throne is in fact a symphony of blasphemous Death Metal! Relentless in its vision, lethal in its execution, and steadfast in its conviction, the album is also a refreshing, genre-enriching masterpiece. On this sophomore effort, HEAVING EARTH takes Death Metal into undiscovered and unconquered realms. While the band’s technical prowess is undeniable, every note is played in service to the song. Above all else, this is Death Metal with soul and character in all its blasphemous, dark, and violent glory.


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