Incinerate “Eradicating Terrestrial Species” review

Incinerate “Eradicating Terrestrial Species” review

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Incinerate “Eradicating Terrestrial Species
Comatose Music

Old brutalheads from USA and Canada came here with their new effort, which will be officially released 21 April 2015. I had listened to Incinerate last time pretty long time ago, so I even do not remember what the album I had listened to. Here are nine tracks, with around 30 minutes of heavy sounds. Incinerate doesn’t changed anything in their style, so here is pure skilled technical brutal death metal, made with true passion and just decent way. Each track is more than music, but this is somehting like huge press, which pressing your head down with it’s every second. Truly bulldozing and brutal sound, with good recording quality, not so dirty but more clear, if it’s possible to say so. Well, the whole album sounds good and common at the same time, I mean songs length and various voice introductions in the songs from time to time here and there. As for technical skills, definitely musicians are more than skilled, so your ears will bleedng why listening, all made great, ripping, mid tuned, “broken” guitars with sich twisted rhythms, guttural vocals (with some sick screams as well), massive bass lines, and of course same killing drumming, which just top-notch crossing with the main rhythm-section and those ripping guitars; sounds pretty good. I’m sure all the fans into technical yeat enough brutal death metal will be pleased by “Eradicating Terrestrial Species” album. All in all, more than average album, sounds on the crossroads between Devourment, Cryptopsy and Deeds Of Flesh, such ala bloody gore pile of death metal executions. We recommend this album to all the sickos into brutal yet technical DEATH metal! Wait for this album and sink deep into guttural masses of death!


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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