Interview Curse Of The Forgotten (By Carla Morton)

Interview Curse Of The Forgotten (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

Curse Of The Forgotten is a Dutch Death/Thrash/Groove metal band founded around 2006, in 2013 released their debut album via WormHoleDeath recods. Here is an interview with the guitar player, Roelof Klop, who answered a few questions about Curse Of The Forgotten.
399447_606434006040674_823485728_n Hi Roelof, how are you?
Hey there, I’m doing great thanks a lot!

When was Curse Of the Forgotten founded?
Curse of the Forgotten was basically formed in 2006, when me, Richard (lead guitars) and Gerjo (drums) started hanging out and jamming, back then we couldn’t play a note and we were called another name. When we realized this is something we really loved, Marijn joined us as bass player and lead vocalist and we renamed the band to Curse of the Forgotten in 2009.

You have released the debut album ”Building The Palace” via WormHoleDeath recods in 2013. Tell me about it.
’’Building the Palace’’ is our first full album which we wrote all together, probably between 2010-2011, and when we finished writing we got an email from Realsound Studio. Wahoomi (owner) told us he liked our music and wanted to record our album and we should contact WormHoleDeath Records about releasing it. So we did, signed to WormHoleDeath, and in 2012 we went to Realsound Studio and recorded it. The mix was done by Wahoomi himself and the mastering was done by Christian Donaldson (Cryptopsy).

Have you got nice reviews about the album?
Yes we did, some reviewers see us as a ‘promising band’, so we hope we keep up with the promises when our new material comes out!
Are you going to release new materials?
Of course we are! We are in maximum pre-production as we speak. So far we wrote pretty much all the songs we need, so right now it’s fine tuning and getting the demo’s ready. We hope to enter the studio as quick as
possible and get that new stuff out.

There exist any influences of the band?
We all have very different influences, so we have very different idea’s for specific songs we write. Some examples of our influences are In Flames, Lamb of God, Diablo, Machine Head, pretty different band with
different sounds.

What are the lyrical themes and who use to write the music?
The lyrical themes on ‘Building the Palace’ varied from personal stuff to ‘stuff we disagree with’, like politics, wars, stuff like that. We all wrote at least some lyrics for ‘Building the Palace’. On the new record it
will be more and more personal stuff, and most of the lyrics come from Marijn.

Any shows confirmed for this year?
We actually have a gig in 2 weeks from now, a small festival called ‘Roest’ in Arnhem (NL), but mostly at this time we are busy pre-producing our new album, and that takes up most of our time right now.

A mesage for your fans?
Thank you all for being awesome! We can’t wait to play live for you and have a great time!

Thank you Roelof, all the best and cheers!
Thanks you Carla for this interview, we hope to see you all in the future!

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