Interview Freak Kitchen

Interview Freak Kitchen

- in Written interviews

Interview with Bjorn Fryklund, drummer of the Swedish Heavy metal band, Freak Kitchen.



Hi Bjorn, how things are going?
Just fine here!

When Freak Kitchen was born?
The band was formed 1992 by Mattias and he got his old drummer from his previous band “Frozen Eyes” Joakim Sjöberg and they found bassist Christian Grönlund.

8 released until now, the latest one was released in 2014 under the name of “Cooking with Pagans”. Tell me something about this release.
It’s a great, beefy sounding album that includes the song “Freak Of The Week” which the great artist/animater Juanjo Guarnido used to make the fantastic 2D/3D animated video. The album is maybe a bit easier to digest with more straightforward songs than the previous “Land Of The Freaks” which was a bit hard/cold sounding.

Are you going to release a new album soon?
Yes! Mattias has worked on a bunch of new songs and I expect to get to work on some of the new ideas very soon.We usually record the drums first.

Talk about the rest of Freak Kitchen’s albums (1994-2009).
*Appetizer (1994):The first FK album. Mattias recorded his guitars through a transistor radio(!). Song selection: “Blind”, Appetizer”, See You In Pittsburgh”
*Spanking Hour (1996) :Won the Swedish Zeppelin award for Best Hard Rock album. From this album on, Mattias has exclusively played Laney amps. Song selection: “Walls Of Stupidity”, “Jerk”, “Haw,Haw,Haw”.
*Freak Kitchen (1998):A step back soundwise. Softer, more of a pop sound. Song selection: “You’ve Heared It All Before”, “Vaseline Business”, “My New Haircut”
*Dead Soul Men (2000): The break-up of the first lineup. Joakim and Christians’ last album. Pretty heavy with some killer songs on it. Song selection: “Silence!”, “Ugly Side Of Me”, “Everything Is Under Control”
*Move (2002): First album with Björn and Christer. One of the favourite albums for me. Not a bad song on it and very good sounding. Song selection: “Nobody’s Laughing”, “Razor Flowers” (by Christer), “Heroin Breakfast”
*Organic (2005): On this album we got our good friend Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal to do vocals and guitars on “Speak When Spoken To”.Song selection: “The Rights To You”, “Heal Me”, “Look Bored”, “Becky”
*Land Of The Freaks (2009): We started to explore the Indian tonality and rhythms and included that into the Freak music. Song Selection: “Teargas Jazz”, “Murder Groupie”, “OK”

What are the band’s influences?
Everyday life. Things you see, hear and pick up.

What about the lyrical themes and who use to write the music in the band?
Mattias usually writes all the songs but on the last 4 albums Christer has written one song on each.The lyrical themes are the same as the influences. Things we need to address in things around us.

Are there any shows confirmed?
As of today (december), we have only confirmed a gig on Cyprus in the beginning of April. More are to come, be sure!

What message do you have for your supporters?
Stay Freaky and keep your minds open. Don’t hurry. You’ll get there.

Thank you Bjorn, cheers and rock on!

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Metal girl, journalist & promoter. Cats - Travel girl - Tons of music What else?

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