Interview Guardians Of Time

Interview Guardians Of Time

- in Written interviews

An interview with Bernt Fjellestad, the frontman of the Norwegian Power/Heavy metal band, Guardians Of Time. Bernt was also announced as the new frontman of the Melodic Black/Thrash metal band, Susperia.
10858403_926597597352170_9033848705695517697_n Greetings Bernt, how things are going?
Hi! Thank you. All is good. Preparing for the Southern Discomfort festival we’re attending this weekend.

To start with, when was Guradians Of Time formed?
I reckon you can say we formed back in ’97 but we didn’t emerge under the moniker Guardians Of Time before 2000 when we released a demo called Soul Reaper.

You have released this year the fourth album entitled ”Rage and Fire” via WormHoleDeath records, tell me about it.
’’Rage and Fire’’ is our fourth album and, in my opinion, the best yet. It’s fast paced, hard hitting heavy metal that should sit right with everyone who likes metal.

Have you got good reviews about the album?
The reviews have been overwhelming! We did not anticipate this celebration of the album. When the first reviews started to pop up we thought it was a joke. That’s how positive the response were.
11006422_971729456172317_2474525556066335501_n Tell me a few words about the other band’s releases.
In 2001 we released ’’Edge Of Tomorrow’’. It was a pretty much straight forward Power metal album and we learned a lot about the studio and songwriting process. It was a great experience. ’’Machines Of Mental Design’’ came out in the start of 2004 I think, and it was quite different. It was the first time we did a concept album and it was a lot more progressive than Edge. About a year after we split up due to family commitments and such. After some years Paul and I reformed the band with new members. We asked the old if they were interested, but declined. They did give their blessings and spurred us on. We still keep in touch. In 2011 we released ’’A Beautiful Atrocity’’ and it was a different beast all together. A bit more experimental and tried different things. I had a great time writing and recording the songs on that album. Then ’’Rage And Fire’’ came and this is our proudest work yet!

What are the lyrical themes and who use to write the music?
Oh, it varies greatly. We have covered… Let see… In no particular order: Alien abduction, internet, artificial intelligence, NASCAR, mercenaries, execution, atheism, polytheism, monotheism, creation, Sumerians, car chases, insane asylums, sailing, murder, hiding in bathrooms, Colosseum, acid trips and retaliation. This is not, by far, a complete list though.

Any influences?
We are heavily influenced by the classical metal bands such as Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and so forth. Personally my favorites are Judas Priest and Edge Of Sanity among others.

About you, it was announced that you are the new frontman of the Norwegian Melodic Black/Thrash metal band, Susperia. How is it to take part of Susperia? And good luck with Susperia!
Thank you. It was great to get that opportunity. I have done some gigs with them before due to Pål being ill or double booked with his other band Chrome Division so I know the guys already. It is remarkable to be a part of Susperia and to become a part of Susperias future. Right now I am having fun writing songs with them.

You will start touring soon, beside those dates, are there more shows confirmed?
There are several other shows under negotiations without being able to talk much about it. Rest assured, you’re going to see a lot more of Guardians Of Time in the future.

Do you have a message for the Guardins Of Time fans?
Thank you! Such a small sentence but it conveys what I want to say to them. Thank you. Keep an eye open. There will be interesting times ahead.

Thank you Bernt, cheers and all the best!
Thank you, Carla. Skål and all the best to you too!

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