Interview Morbid Carnage (By Carla Morton)

Interview Morbid Carnage (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

Interview with Necrofaust, bass player of the Hungarian Thrash metal band, Morbid Carnage.
156327_149730521742284_6208563_n Hello to you Necrofaust, how have you been?
Hi Carla! I’m fine, thanx for your question, and of course first of all, thank you for your interest about Mörbid Carnage! I finally managed to relax after a weekend in Bucharest. It was hard as you know.

Tell me when the band was formed.
Mörbid Carnage was formed in 2007 in Szeged by Blasphemy (vocals) and Churchburner (guitars). I also joined the band same year to play bass.

This year you have released an EP under the name of ”The Golden Sin”, tell me something about it.
“The Golden Sin” is not released yet, but we hope  to release it till December! It will be an EP as you know including 4 brand new songs and I think it would be the best Mörbid Carnage release ever. The feeling of the new songs will take the auidience back into the ’80s, even more than before. I think we wrote the new songs under the influence of ’80’s speed/heavy and of coure Thrash metal scene. Previously, our music is not included any speed/heavy elements, so I think we could to manage our music more colorful.
552739_397386180310049_1134890411_n Same, you have two full-lenghts: ”Night Assassins” from 2010 and ”Merciless Conquest” from 2012, tell me about them.
Yes, this was our first two albums, including really raw and fast thrash metal, if you like to know more infos or just hear the songs, you can find all of them on youtube or any other sites.

Did you start writing new materials?
Yes we did, we are ready with writing sessions of whole new full-lenght album, specifically with the music, we must to write lyrics to all of them and after that we’ll going to record in a studio sometime in 2016.

What are the band’s influences?
Our mostly influences comes from the ’80’s thrash metal, from Europe, USA and Brasil. Like Slayer, Sepultura (old), Evil Dead, Kreator, Dark Angel, Sodom, Destruction, etc.

Any shows scheluded?
Yes, we’ll play two shows with legendary SDI in Slovakia, in Bratislava and Brezno at the end of November. Our singer lives in Münich and the organization is not always easy for us because of it. But but if the organization is flexible, we can take shows. We really like to play in other countries outside of Hungary, we love to meet new people and to play for new, another audience across Europe.

Do you have a message for the fans?
We would like to thank all the fanatics who visit our shows!

Thank you for your time, all the best!
Thank you for the interest, keep in touch!

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Metal girl, journalist & promoter. Cats - Travel girl - Tons of music What else?

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