Interview Mythrias (By Carla Morton)

Interview Mythrias (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

Interview with Tyler Clark, the guitar player of the Death/Thrash metal band, Mythrias.


Hi to you Tyler, how are you?
I’m doing great Carla, thanks for having me on here!

When the band was formed?
Taylor, our singer, and I met through a mutual friend sometime in the fall of 2012, but the band didn’t really take its first steps until late January 2013.

You’ve released an EP entitled ”Absolving The Treacherous”, talk about it.
Well, I think it’s the best representation of us so far. We have a different drummer than our first release and we think he did an awesome job on this one. We also have a lot of diversity in the songwriting on this one. The first track was written by Taylor (singer,) Mike (guitarist,) and myself. Second track was all Mike, the third was actually a combination of Mike, myself, and Josh (bass player.) And the fourth track was written by me. All of the lyrics on this one were written by Taylor. There’s also the closing track, the Offspring cover which was really fun to arrange. I really like how these songs come from pretty different places, but still kind of sound like us.

How the recordings went for the EP?
The recording went well for the most part, but seemed a lot more stressful than the last release. We record everything except the drums ourselves and Mike (guitarist) mixes and masters everything. We had the drums recorded at Studio 1008, engineered by Jason Chamberlain and we think they came out incredible. The reason it seemed so stressful was that we actually gave ourselves a deadline this time. We started recording at the end of May if I remember right and we scheduled a CD release show for September, so we knew we had to get it done sometime before then. Due to some issues, we had to get each rhythm guitar part (mine and Mike’s) done in a single sitting, each took about 8 hours, only with the occasional coffee and bathroom break. I had personally never done that before and it was pretty exhausting to say the least. It all worked out in the end and I think Mike did a great job on post production as well. I think everything sounds defined but there’s an organic feel to it that was missing on our previous releases.

Did you start writing new materials for a future release?
Oh yes, we have several songs that are either pretty much written or very close to being complete. Not sure what we will do with these. I’d like to say they will go on a full length, but it might be a little too early to say anything about that right now. After the holidays, we have already agreed that we are going to dive into these new ones and get as many completed as we can.

What are the band’s influences and what about the lyrical themes?
When it comes to the songwriting, I think the sort of “meat” of our influence comes from Swedish and Finnish melodic death metal. Bands like Dark Tranquillity, At the Gates, Dissection, Kalmah, Mors Principium Est, and Insomnium. Some other stuff sneaks in as well like Metallica, Kreator, The Black Dahlia Murder, even some black metal like Immortal, Sacramentum, and Istapp. When it comes to lyrics, we focus on topics like Mythology, Conquest, and some pagan ritualistism and ideals. We are experimenting with a few other ideas for new songs as well.

Any shows confirmed for 2016?
Right now we don’t have any shows until the new year, but we have several confirmed then. In January, on the 2nd we are playing a show put on by Seeing Red Records with Blood Tusk, Jesusegg, and Plaguewielder at Now That’s Class in Lakewood Ohio. On the 16th we are actually opening for Enforcer, Warbringer, and Exmortus at The Agora in Cleveland which should be awesome.

Do you have a message for the fans?
We sincerely thank everyone that has come to our shows, bought merch, downloaded songs, gave us feedback, good or bad. Seriously, I am still baffled by the amount of support we’ve had thus far. Thank you. Please feel free to talk to us and have a beer at shows, or even just shoot us a message online for anything at all.

Thank you for your answers Tyler, all the best!
Thank you again Carla!


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