Interview Severe Torture (By Carla Morton)

Interview Severe Torture (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

An interview with Seth Van de Loo, drummer of the Dutch Death metal band Severe Torture.


Greetings Seth, how things are going?
Things are going very well. I’m keeping myself pretty busy so I can’t complain.

Tell me when did Severe Torture was founded?

Five albums and one EP, what can you tell me about them all?
Obviously when we started we were a younger, more unexperienced band. So as the years went by there should be some form of progression going on with our albums. I think with each album we became better songwriters and musicians, but we are not looking for perfection. Every record should have the Severe Torture sound we created during the years.

Are you going to release a new album soon?
I don’t know when the release will be but we are in full writing mode. But we take our time. It’s not gonna be released until we think the songs are right.

What are the band’s influences?
Everything from old school Death metal to personal preferences or even movies or stuff that happened in our lives. Inspiration doesn’t just come from 1 band or 1 style, it’s everywhere around us.

Any lyrical themes?
Torture of the human body, mind and soul in every way possible.

Are you going to tour this year?
Because of our jobs etc we don’t really do long tours but once the album is out there will definitely be shows. What where and with who is yet unknown.

Speaking a little out of Severe Torture, you took part as vocalist to the Nader Sadek show in Egypt and Neurotic Deathfest how was it and are you going to collaborate with Nader Sadek again?
It was one of the greatest experiences ever. Cairo had not seen much metal before that day, let alone an international death metal act. The fans were super, the city and the atmosphere were magical. I will definitely work more with Nader in the future. I’ve actually already recorded some backing vocals for an upcoming release.

The last question, do you have a message for the fans?
Thanx to everyone out there supporting me or one of my bands! Hopefuly we’ll meet soon on the road. Cheers!

Thank you Seth for your time, all the best!
Thank you as well for the interview and so sorry about the big delay, haha.

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