Interview: THRON

Interview: THRON

- in Written interviews

Interview with Thron’s PVIII (guitar), about the band’s new album Dust.

Nice having a chat with you again, PVIII. How is everything going? And congrats on Dust! A great album!
Hey Carla, thanks for the interview. Yeah, everyone is sick here at the moment, so it´s kind of stressful. But the reactions to the new album are compensating a lot of the stress, haha!

I think I said in our first interview that, your sound tends towards the bands such as Dissection, Necrophobic, so the Swedish death/black metal sound, which is amazing. Usually, how do you approach the sound?
Usually, I have no plan, for how new songs or a new album should sound. I just write songs that I like and where I have the feeling that they might work. This „Swedish” style which is most prominent in the guitars is just in my DNA (although I´m German, haha). But this is a style of music I grew up with at the beginning of the mid-’90s, and this is what is coming out of me when I write metal songs.

What is the story behind Dust, is it a continuation of Pilgrim?
No, not at all. Pilgrim was very fictional. It was a story I developed. Dust is mostly rooted in the real world. In reality, we´re just experiencing all its flaws but also its beautiful aspects, but mostly it´s about its flaws.

The previous album Pilgrim was released during the pandemic, then, when did the recordings for Dust start?
The songwriting for Dust started before Pilgrim was released. The actual recording process happened between January and August 2022.

’’The Wrong God’’, ’’Face Of Despair’’, ”The True Belief’’, these are my favorite songs of Dust. I like the balance between the heavy drum blasts then the (aggressive) riffs. What do you like most about the new album?
I like the diversity on the album. You have these really aggressive 245 bpm blast beats, but also „Rocksongs” in the most classic way. It has a lot of variety and different moods. It keeps the album interesting, I think. And the drum tracks of our new drummer J are extraordinary.

More, I consider Dust is the best Thron album so far, my opinion, considering the sound. Let’s say with each new album released, it’s getting better and better. Do you agree with this?
It´s always hard to judge your own art, but I also think, that this is our best work so far. At least I´ve never been so happy with one of our albums as with this one.

What’s Dust’s feedback and response from the media and the fans until now?
The feedback is very positive for the most part. Of course, you have some people or magazines that liked Pilgrim more. That´s ok, that only shows that Pilgrim was a strong album, too, and I´m fine with that. Some people have to get used to the new influences on the album, which I can relate to. But for the most part, reactions are very very positive.

I’d like to ask about your stage names too. You’re going under PVIII, the other members SII, J, SXIII, CII, and Samca (which I know this name is related to A mythology if I’m not wrong). What are the meanings of your stage names?
The names are not quite correct, I think. It´s Samca, Ravendust, PVIII, SXIII, and J. I can´t tell the secrets behind the names. Everyone chooses the names for themselves and they have a special meaning for them.

What are your touring plans in order to support the new album? Tho, I hope to catch you live someday, somewhere.
Yeah, right now we´re booking some shows for the rest of the year. We´re doing a tour with another German band and are going to play some weekend shows, too. Hope to see you somewhere!

Thanks again for your time having this interview, it was my pleasure. Cheers and hails!
Thank you, too. It was a pleasure!

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