Interview: War-Head (Croatia)

Interview: War-Head (Croatia)

- in Written interviews

After a longer silence, the trio of Deathrash for Armageddon Millennium is once again upon us with their new album Monuments Of Fallacy which might be their best work yet.

Hey guys, it’s been a month or so after the release of Monuments Of Fallacy, looking back are you satisfied with final result?
(Piper) To be completely honest, I am very satisfied with the final outcome. It was well worth the wait. It took some longer time to complete everything especially solo parts but in the end it was the album that we originally had in our minds when starting with the songwriting. To me it still sound fresh and brutal!

In writing, how is this one different from the last three albums?
(Piper) Writing process for this one came at a very difficult time for us. We had so many ideas but there was no time to put it all together. We all started going our own ways in private lives so it was difficult to catch each other and properly work on songwriting. But we knew we had to do it somehow. We also had some very old riffs that never came to life and some of those songs that just went out in one day. So we still managed to put it all together. Once we had basic tracks laid out for all the songs, Dario went to finish lyrics on his own.

This is yours longest gap between albums; what was going on in that time?
(Dario) I completely agree with you! This wasn’t just the longest gap between the albums, but also the longest period without any gigs in our career, which was very unusual for us, being so active for the most of the time. And this was mostly because of personal issues some of us were going through. We really wanted to make this album see the light of day much sooner, but technically it was just impossible.

What is the lyrical concept in Monuments Of Fallacy?
(Dario) Some of the song were just continuation from what I did lyrically on previous albums. These songs contain themes based on attitude of an individual towards a deeply distorted society. Also some of the lyrics are about my inner struggles, escape from the unpleasant reality and personal views towards the world.

Monuments Of Fallacy is released thought Inferno Records from France. How did you got in contact?
(Vladimir) I’ve known Fab since 2010. We kind of clicked on a personal level from the start. We stayed in touch for all these years and were seeing each other on different concerts around France. Fab was actually the one who put us in touch with Richard from now defunct Denim & Leather label which released our début album Still No Signs Of Armageddon. When the time for our third album to get released was right, Fab was still there, willing to release it.

The album has a shitload of guests…
(Vladimir) There was/is a good chance this might be our last album, so, we got the idea to do something special with it. absolutely each and every guest is a personal friend of some/all of us in the band. We didn’t want to “just” have guests, no matter how talented/famous they might be. Jerome is someone I consider to be my brother, we spent many days in the van together, doing different tours. He was also welcoming War-Head in his apartment when we were doing some of our gigs in France. We met Andy when playing a tour in Brasil with Tankard. These were some of the best times we’ve ever had. Arnd was another guy we met while touring together. Playing with Darkness was blowing our brains off. Max and the rest of Evil Invaders are some of my fave people in the world. We shared many kilometers on the road together. Alexandra from Jenner is someone I know for the shortest time out of this bunch, but is also a dear friend and a talented guitar player.

You have an impressive resume of tours and gigs; any crazy stories you would like to share?
(Dario) Yes indeed, we did lots of tours and gigs and that’s why this question is a bit difficult to answer. I wouldn’t want to pick out any specific tour or gig because every tour and every gig we did was something special for us. And every and each one of them has some really crazy story to tell.

Since… Still No Signs Of Armageddon (2011) you were behind the sound in recording and in mastering; how would you describe the sonic identity of the band?
(Piper) We always searched for that old school sound that we could wrap in a modern production. This one was no exception, but we kind of perfected that idea even further compared to previous albums. It’s not overly polished but not too old school sounding either. That is what War-Head was always about, finding that sweet spot!

What is next for the band? Do you plan any shows?
(Vladimir) Our situation is quite difficult at the moment, with all 3 members living at different places. Shows were always on place nr.1 for me when it comes to the band activity, so I am surely thinking about it. We will have to gather our strengths and organise something this year.

You can buy “Monuments Of Fallacy” here –

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