Interview with NECROFIER

Interview with NECROFIER

- in Written interviews

Hi! Congratulations on the upcoming release of “Burning Shadows in the Southern Night”, Can you share your excitement about unveiling this new album to the world?
Feel really proud of this album and excited for everyone to hear it! I burned my soul into record…..

How would you describe the evolution of Necrofier‘s sound and songwriting on this new record?
On this album we really came full circle and I feel we have our sound now and our songwriting is much stronger. The mix of a little more heavy metal puts us in a more Immortal / Rotting Christ area and also I think we have a sound that’s us now. Songs are more dynamic and diverse on this record as well. Really happy with the direction everything went on this album! Even though all the songs are different they fit together as a whole very well. Modern culture doesn’t seem to like albums any more and just wants singles, but metal is still in support of albums and so are we!!! A collective work of songs stands above just one song and this is what we have created.

You worked with producer and engineer Joel Hamilton for this album. How did his expertise contribute to shaping the sound and atmosphere of the record?
Joel first off is an amazing human. In an industry of cookie cutters and phonies he is a light in the darkness. Just being around his energy helped us create a better album. It also didn’t hurt that he has an amazing studio and he is a world-class engineer. haha. He pushed us to make the best record and set up the best environment for us to do that. That is not an easy task and I can’t think of anything he could have done more. It was great to see that Joel understood everything we were going for and brought ideas in to get us there. Even when I thought something I was thinking might be ridiculous he was on the same page and we made it happen. Truly an amazing experience that I will never forget.

Could you elaborate on the fusion of black metal and traditional metal elements in your music?
My two favorite styles of metal are Black Metal & Traditional Heavy Metal. So I knew at some point the heavy metal would sneak a little more into my songwriting. Dobber also is really into heavy metal and we talked about going a little more this direction with the 2nd album but it also just went there naturally. Even before we started writing a lot of the riffs and ideas I was working on were going this direction. The fusion is a take on black metal that’s more the style of Rotting Christ or Dissection and Bathory than Mayhem or Emperor. There’s more leads and guitar melody on this album while still having the energy and power we have playing live captured on the record.

While not heavily relying on Satanic and occult themes, the album explores deeper human philosophies. Can you discuss some of the philosophical concepts or themes you delve into?
There’s a good amount of Occult themes hidden in the lyrics. It does come off as a lot more philosophical though. Selling your souls makes a couple appearances on this album. To achieve something greatness you have to give up things and sometimes burn for it! I only touch on death a little as I went into that more on the last. The theme of the unknown always runs through all the lyrics are write and goes through the album as well. You can’t over look that there are forces around us that you can’t see that influence our lives.

Burning Shadows in the Southern Night touches on the myth of selling your soul at the crossroads. How did this myth inspire and influence the lyrical themes and atmosphere of the album?
Speaking of selling your soul. hahaha. A lot of the other song touch on the concept of selling your souls as well. We are from Texas and I wanted to include some themes on this record that went with where we are from and our culture and what to start with rather than selling your soul to the devil to achieve greatness in music. Deeply rooted Southern culture really inspired a lot of the lyrical content on this record. Music is associated with the devil quite often. How else will you achieve your goals without making a pact with the devil?

How do you perceive the nature of evil, and what role does it play in shaping human morality and the human condition?
The nature of evil is necessary in our world because it needs balance. Also evil is really only determined by your point of view. I’m sure if someone religious read this interview that would just condemn me as a devil worship and write off anything I had to say. In my point of view the poison major religion spreads is evil. Life and experience affect how you view everything. Although I think I don’t think my general thoughts on the subject probably line up with what most of the world thinks. I have always been attracted to the darker side of life and embraced the dark.

In philosophical terms, darkness can represent both physical absence of light and metaphorical aspects such as ignorance or despair. How do you interpret the concept of darkness and its significance in our lives and perception of reality?
When I think of darkness it leans more into the absence of light. I don’t see darkness as ignorance but more of the things people choose not to embrace because it scares them. It does no good to ignore these parts of ourselves. Where some chose to ignore the fact the light and dark exist in us all, embracing your own darkness is can you help learn and explain things about yourself that ignored can possibly destroy you. I touch on some of this on the new record on The All seeing Shadows. It combines unknown and embracing your shadow self.

Blasphemy often challenges established religious or moral norms. From a philosophical perspective, what is the role of blasphemy in freedom of expression and the evolution of societal beliefs and values?
Religion is a form of control, it’s becoming less overall but the people really into these days are crazier than ever. Blasphemy is absolutely necessary to challenge these blind faith rules that have no place over everyone. Without it we could be stuck where the catholic church would be ruling all of Europe. It absolutely helps break through the restrictions they try to put on us. Even now we see politicians trying to establish laws based on faith in the USA. Black Metal has always been against religion and its believe its more important than ever to keep these kinds of things out of our lives by rejecting their false beliefs and being Blasphemous…

How does your environment in Texas influence the style, tone, and overall sound of Necrofier? In what ways does it set you apart from black metal bands from other regions?
Being from Texas effects everything for us! Stylewise I think the heavy metal rock influence goes into our music from growing up on artists like ZZ Top, Roky Erickson etc. Music wise and how we look. For tone we have a much warmer feel to us than some of our brothers from Scandinavia that have more a frostbitten tone that goes with the environment they are from. It’s fucking hot in Texas so our tone reflects that. Texas is loud and in your face and that is fully part of our live show, we like to do everything bigger. We wanna be Loud Rowdy and tear the place down. I don’t think I have to say the line that goes with that about Texas.

The album captures a certain magic that comes from recording all day long for 10 days straight. Can you tell us more about this immersive recording process and how it enhances the music?
First traveling away from your home and going to New York separates you from your daily routine, friends, home etc. So when we were there it was all about the album. We stayed close to the studio and everyday it was all about the record. The energy we were creating wasn’t interrupted by having to do anything else. It was concreted all on creating the album. For me this created an atmosphere where I become more created and focused and pushes me to the limit. When you go in at different times and take a longer spread out time to record this feeling isn’t there as much because of the separation. As a group it also brings everyone together closer and all these factors come together to make something special when all focus is on the album.

As a band, you are often associated with the black metal revivalism movement. How do you see Necrofier’s role within the contemporary black metal scene, and how does this new album contribute to the genre?
Black metal was around before us and will reign for long after us as well. Right now there a good of number of truly killer black metals carrying on the black torch. We are proud to be a part of this movement of newer bands paying tribute to the greats and putting our touch to make it our own. Whoredom Rife, Darvaza, Spectral Wound are just a few of these bands really burning the flame for the next generation. Our album helps contribute on the southern more Greek style of black metal that isn’t played as often as other types of black metal but is much needed.

What was your approach to crafting memorable guitar melodies and balancing them with the aggressive black metal elements?
A lot of our sound just comes out when it’s being created. It just comes out and when it hits right you know that’s the way it’s supposed to sound. Its dance between balancing the two but I think we really nailed that on this album.

Can you discuss the significance of the album’s cover artwork and how it visually represents the music and themes explored?
Anything truly great has to be fought for & something must be sacrificed. Sometimes you burn for it! It covers all the elements I usually write about. First the spirits floating in the background, theirs so many things that happen in the shadows or unknown in this world. Cultures explain them in some many different way but these spirits/energy have always been around and affect our lives. The witches dancing around the fire represents the embracing of the fire, that thing that burns within us that you have to feed.

How does Burning Shadows in the Southern Night differ from your debut album, both in terms of songwriting and overall concept?
Burning Shadows adds more elements of heavy metal than we had on the first record. so the Dissection / Rotting Christ style we have been going for is much more in that direction than the first album. More solos, more epic etc. Songwriting has grown a lot too and we became more of a band with our sounds as well going into the 2nd album. Sometimes it takes a min as a group for everything to develop and come together into what its suppose to be. Overall we have grown as a band on all levels and can’t wait to see where we go next!

What inspired the title Burning Shadows in the Southern Night and how does it encapsulate the essence of the album?
I always say you have to burn for your dreams. Nothing in this life comes easy. Part of this record is also about selling your soul, to really do something great there comes great sacrifice. Just because you didn’t go to the crossroads and ritualistically sell your soul to the devil doesn’t mean you didn’t do this in some form. Burning Shadows are unseen forces in this world burning in the dark inside of you. Embrace them.

Could you share some insight into the songwriting process for this record? How do you collaborate as a band to create cohesive and captivating compositions?
A lot of the writing is done by Dobber & myself but Semir & Mat makes some good editions to everything as well. Most of it starts with demoing out songs at the house and then we bring it to the band and rehearse it to feel it out and see where it goes. This can change parts or leaded to adding or cutting things. Before it comes to the bands its more of a sketch and we see where it takes us as a band when we play it. Ultimately the songs takes you where it needs to go if you let it. I never really feel like I write anything and it just comes out of nowhere.

What do you hope listeners will take away from the experience of listening to Burning Shadows in the Southern Night?
Your fate is your own. Don’t be held by the constraints put on you in this world, religion or any thing that shackles you. Question everything you believe to be true. Burn everything for your dreams and put your feet to the fire.

As musicians, what are some of the biggest challenges you faced during the recording process, and how did you overcome them?
So many of these!!!!! One big one is not to overthink everything, sometimes the easiest and simplest ideas are golden, the key is to look past how the idea came to be and just look at how well it works in the song. The most important thing is how the song turns out and not to let your mind be affected by how you got there or who got it there. When working as a group you can achieve things you wouldn’t be able to on your own. Letting the process work and not shutting it down is very important, it becomes about the work and not the individual and what’s best for the songs.

With the album set to release, what are your plans for promoting and touring in support of Burning Shadows in the Southern Night?
We are about to go out to play Hell In the Harbor in Baltimore, Great festival that’s taking place in absence of MDF this year and right when we get back we are going on the road with Midnight!! They are good friends of ours and stands to be a killer tour!! Perfect timing with our new album! After that we are looking at plans for more touring in the fall and hopefully coming over to Europe in 2024!!! Really hope to make it over soon, Need to play black metal in the homeland!!!

Looking ahead, how do you envision the future of Necrofier? Thank you for your time!
The future isn’t written!!! but I see us doing some more festivals, tours and a Euro tour hopefully for 2024. My family is Norge so it’s a dream of mine to play in Norway. I can see it happening in the future! Also we never stopped writing so this isn’t the last thing you will see from us…..

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