LUX FERRE set release date for new album

LUX FERRE set release date for new album

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unnamed (Копировать)Portuguese black metal institution Lux Ferre are set to release their highly anticipated third album, Excaecatio Lux Veritatis, on October 1st via Altare Productions. It’s been six years since their last album, 2009’s Atrae Materiae Monumentum, and five years before that for their debut album, 2004’s Antichristian War Propaganda, but Lux Ferre have spent those years well, honing their attack and solidifying their lineup. Now, with their third opus, Excaecatio Lux Veritatis, Lux Ferre spawn the seed for a new era of desolation where Lucifer’s revelation is manifested through chaos and blood. Brimming with obscure riffs and harrowing atmosphere, situated amongst songs that range the fiery ‘n’ frenetic and the patient ‘n’ pulsing, this eight-track black metal passage invites the listener to open their hearts to the dark light of Lucifer’s wisdom: “Oh blessed, embrace hate, madness, misery, and ultimately death, and receive the Lord’s illumination, the blinding light of truth!”

Created in 2001 by Devasth and Baal Sabbath, Lux Ferre soon released their first demo, Wicked Riffs of War. The second demo, Unholy Ascendance of Satan, came one year later featuring two new songs and tributes to influential bands on side B. That same year, Lux Ferre joined forces with the Flagellum Dei and Sterkvind on a three-way split CD entitled Kult of the Black Flame and later contributed with an exclusive song for the Lusitanian Dark Horde compilation featuring 15 Portuguese black metal bands.

In 2004, Lux Ferre signed with the Germanic label Ketzer Records and released their devastating debut album, Antichristian War Propaganda. Mastered at Necromorbus Studios, this album counted with the invaluable collaboration of the Brazilian multi-instrumentalist Lord Mantus (Mysteriis, Darkest Hate Warfront, Patria) as drummer. Soon, Lux Ferre found session musicians for live performances and released the four-way split CD Acerbus Mortis together with Daemonlord, Malleus, and Mortinatum. Live performances eventually culminated in a nine-day European tour together with label comrades Cirith Gorgor and Daemonlord.

Between 2005 and 2008, a major change in the band’s lineup occurred, and the session guitarists Pestilens (ex-InThyFlesh, Penitência) and Vilkacis (Ars Diavoli, Malleus) became fulltime members. Acerbus Mortis was Baal Sabbath’s last release. After a series of highly successful gigs, Lux Ferre halted their live performances to focus on the new album. Atrae Materiae Monumentum was released by Ketzer Records in 2009 and marked a shift in the band’s sonority. This time, drums were in charge of the talented guest musician Pedro Madeira. Lux Ferre abandoned their war-themed songs to explore a more introspective way, retaining their Luciferian philosophy and characteristic melodies. Sluggish dark riffs became dominant, punctuated by unexpected moments of clarity.

For the first time, Lux Ferre has a complete line-up. Vagantis (ex-Flagellum Dei) joined the bass guitar and Njord (InThyFlesh) joined the drums, both as fulltime members. Between sporadic-yet-intense live performances, Lux Ferre developed the idea of what would become their masterpiece, Lucifer’s grand revelation: Excaecatio Lux Veritatis.
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Tracklisting for Lux Ferre’s Excaecatio Lux Veritatis

1. A Luz Ofuscante da Verdade
2. Não Há Salvação
3. A Lenta Adaga da Morte
4. Caos no Meu Sangue
5. Canção da Loucura
6. Miséria
7. Mundo das Sombras
8. Sob o Véu da Ignorância





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