Nyseius ”De Divinatione Daemonum”‏ review

Nyseius ”De Divinatione Daemonum”‏ review

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Nyseius ”De Divinatione Daemonum”‏


Black metal from France. You know, French scene become more and more famous with every year, and this is not some kind of shitty trends or something like that, but this is just because French black metal bands make it’s own sounds and have pretty unusual for typical black metal ideas. Actually ideas are the same, but shown with a bit another approach. We all like traditional black metal, based on old speed/thrash/doom metal scene from far ‘80s, ‘coz such black metal comes with kick ass rhythm-section and just crushing atmosphere; in spite of this, for example Nyseius, make black metal a bit another way. The music they plays is not typical black metal, with rolling rhythms and driving sound, but they do measured, destructive yet atmospheric black metal, which sound is based on such cosmic, occult and deep rhythms, together with pressing atmosphere. Sounds truly dark and obscure, without any modern shit as well. Disharmonic tunes of guitars and fast beating drumming (a bit monotonous but highly listenable and just good). Reach “melodies” comes with various tempos and make your mind ala abstract stone, the stone which absorbing all your negative feelings and make  your mind freezing state… Obviously such music is able to kill part of your mind if you are not ready for such huge portion of negative thoughts. I’m sure some weak minded people may commit to suicide while listening to “De Diviatione Daemonium”. Some songs’ playing time is too long (8-9 minutes approx), but I really didn’t gave a fuck about this, ‘coz it’s just insensibly while listening, ‘coz the whole atmosphere take all your time… This is absolutely dark and negative art, made under banners of Black metal. For fans of French black metal scene this album will be great thing, so just wait untlil 30 March 2015 (official release date) and make your mind strong, or you’ll be pressed by the Nyseius’ obscure sounds!


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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