Photo report: Inferno (Cze), Ungoliantha, NordWitch, Atra Mors (Lviv, UA)

Photo report: Inferno (Cze), Ungoliantha, NordWitch, Atra Mors (Lviv, UA)

- in Photo reports

Last weekend (March 25th) we (Grand Sounds promotion and Antichrist magazine) organized a gig of mighty Inferno (Czech), including Ukrainian black metal veterans Ungoliantha, impressive NordWitch and veeery promising Satanic black metal horde Atra Mors.

Unfortunately it’s too hard to be gig organizer and a photographer at the same time, haha, that’s why I do not have some solid amount of photos out of there, so excuse me and enjoy by 31 photos! Hail!

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